27379 is a sphenic number whose sum of prime factors is a palindrome, here 161. See Bespoken for Sequences entry. The sequence members from 27379 up to 40000 are:
27379, 27401, 27445, 27506, 27565, 27646, 27713, 27722, 27741, 27761, 27902, 27931, 27938, 27995, 28078, 28095, 28135, 28186, 28222, 28258, 28483, 28526, 28558, 28582, 28598, 28615, 28671, 28702, 28762, 28797, 28951, 29026, 29193, 29203, 29206, 29289, 29341, 29486, 29561, 29563, 29679, 29711, 29783, 29811, 29815, 29882, 29906, 29945, 29971, 30098, 30178, 30229, 30286, 30295, 30349, 30401, 30406, 30481, 30874, 30962, 30982, 31171, 31295, 31349, 31413, 31426, 31559, 31565, 31622, 31655, 31691, 31745, 31913, 32091, 32123, 32131, 32218, 32219, 32342, 32431, 32457, 32523, 32566, 32594, 32665, 32702, 32795, 32882, 32893, 32918, 33051, 33087, 33145, 33153, 33155, 33326, 33338, 33371, 33387, 33454, 33511, 33553, 33562, 33781, 33845, 33943, 33998, 34105, 34151, 34195, 34333, 34402, 34431, 34522, 34523, 34661, 34743, 34882, 34891, 35121, 35174, 35203, 35342, 35441, 35482, 35483, 35555, 35602, 35629, 35711, 35733, 35929, 36034, 36158, 36201, 36205, 36281, 36418, 36515, 36766, 36803, 36841, 36859, 36941, 36994, 37022, 37077, 37083, 37167, 37169, 37271, 37326, 37442, 37465, 37471, 37499, 37505, 37595, 37741, 37742, 37754, 37858, 38005, 38006, 38054, 38315, 38337, 38471, 38555, 38607, 38614, 38893, 39005, 39038, 39061, 39091, 39183, 39238, 39261, 39291, 39306, 39353, 39431, 39458, 39491, 39589, 39603, 39698, 39721, 39866, 39903, 39966
27379 is a sphenic number whose three factors have at least one digit in common (here the digit 1). See Bespoken for Sequences entry. There are 476 terms in the range up to 40000 representing 1.19 %. The sequence members from 27379 up to 40000 are:
27379, 27393, 27507, 27511, 27599, 27713, 27863, 27911, 28067, 28137, 28171, 28237, 28457, 28551, 28587, 28613, 28633, 28689, 28767, 28821, 28923, 28951, 28977, 29051, 29109, 29193, 29359, 29419, 29481, 29563, 29627, 29739, 29877, 30003, 30057, 30147, 30173, 30218, 30277, 30291, 30334, 30441, 30481, 30567, 30583, 30659, 30687, 30719, 30783, 30797, 30831, 31141, 31229, 31341, 31369, 31413, 31559, 31913, 31947, 32021, 32097, 32147, 32249, 32271, 32351, 32357, 32457, 32509, 32513, 32523, 32619, 32623, 32721, 32813, 32829, 32893, 32929, 32963, 33267, 33269, 33299, 33371, 33387, 33442, 33449, 33473, 33657, 33787, 33839, 33847, 33927, 34067, 34077, 34113, 34131, 34237, 34333, 34437, 34441, 34463, 34521, 34561, 34611, 34689, 34697, 34707, 34743, 34903, 34917, 35113, 35123, 35187, 35203, 35207, 35247, 35457, 35483, 35619, 35697, 35717, 35893, 35929, 36023, 36087, 36091, 36157, 36177, 36281, 36487, 36499, 36507, 36533, 36543, 36593, 36741, 36803, 36839, 36907, 36921, 37047, 37051, 37167, 37169, 37213, 37297, 37407, 37411, 37417, 37723, 37766, 37789, 37797, 37829, 37843, 37858, 37887, 38001, 38042, 38134, 38233, 38337, 38517, 38533, 38739, 38753, 38779, 38847, 39169, 39183, 39263, 39457, 39507, 39559, 39603, 39849, 39919, 39923
27379 is a happy and cyclic number.
27379 is a de Polignac number because none of the positive numbers 27379 - 2^k is a prime.
27379 can be rendered as a digit equation via 2 = (7 - 3) + 7 - 9.
27379 stabilises after about 55 generations to a traffic light and two blinkers.