27346 is a product of 2, a 4k+3 prime raised to an even power and a 4k+1 prime, thus it can be expressed as a sum of two squares in one way only viz. 165^2 + 11^2.
27346 is a member of OEIS A050472: numbers m such that 2*phi(m) = phi(m+1). There are 32 members in the range up to 40000. The sequence can be generated as follows:
for n in [1..40000]:
if 2*euler_phi(n)==euler_phi(n+1):
[2, 4, 16, 154, 256, 286, 364, 804, 1066, 2146, 3382, 4550, 6106, 7700, 8176, 9268, 11284, 12556, 12970, 16402, 19228, 19276, 20272, 25132, 26404, 27346, 29154, 29574, 35644, 36418, 38368, 39646]
27346 is a Harshad number since it is a multiple of its sum of digits (22).
27346 is a d-powerful number because equal to 2^13 + 7^5 + 3^3 + 4^5 + 6^4.
27346 is a number whose prime factors consist of the digits 1, 2 and 3 only. See entry for 27324.
27346 takes 125 steps to reach a stable state that contains five blocks and one hive (or beehive), both still lifes. Final image attached. From the original "soup" of 49 cells, an 'ash" of 26 cells results.