27408 is a member of OEIS A103763: a(n) = digit reversal of A103741(n) - a(n) is a non-palindromic composite located between twin primes whose reverse, which is less than it, is also located between twin primes. The sequences can be generated as follows:
for p in prime_range(100000):
if next_prime(p)-p==2:
number2=int(str(number1) [::-1])
if number1 != number2 and number2 < number1:
if is_prime(number2-1) and is_prime(number2+1):
for n in L:
R.append(int(str(n) [::-1]))
[60, 240, 270, 600, 810, 822, 2130, 2340, 2802, 8010, 8220, 8430, 8838, 8862, 20550, 22740, 23202, 23370, 23910, 25410, 26880, 27240, 28410, 28572, 28662, 29022, 29760, 80472, 81702, 81930, 81972, 82140, 82530, 83220, 83340, 83640, 85620, 87222, 88470]
[6, 42, 72, 6, 18, 228, 312, 432, 2082, 108, 228, 348, 8388, 2688, 5502, 4722, 20232, 7332, 1932, 1452, 8862, 4272, 1482, 27582, 26682, 22092, 6792, 27408, 20718, 3918, 27918, 4128, 3528, 2238, 4338, 4638, 2658, 22278, 7488]
27408 is a happy, inconsummate, abundant, pseudoperfect and Zumkeller number.
27408 can be made into a digit equation as follows:
2 + 7 = 4 ^ 0 + 8
27408 stabilises after a little over 1000 generations of Conway's Game of Life to two gliders and an assortment of still life shapes and oscillators.