27744 is a number whose difference with its Gray Code equivalent (23120) is a square, here 68^2. It forms a pair of such numbers with 27745.
Here are the numbers with this property between 27744 and 40000:
27744, 27745, 27955, 27958, 28115, 28118, 28512, 28513, 28755, 28758, 29144, 29145, 29280, 29281, 29976, 29977, 30131, 30134, 31091, 31094, 31384, 31385, 31584, 31585, 31960, 31961, 32307, 32310, 32768, 32769, 33279, 33282, 33800, 33801, 34303, 34306, 34848, 34849, 35407, 35848, 35849, 36431, 36992, 36993, 37346, 37538, 38367, 38559, 38944, 38945, 39410, 39442, 39471
27744 is a Harshad number since it is a multiple of its sum of digits (24).
27744 is a gapful number because it is divisible by 24, the concatenation of its first and last digits.
27744 is an inconsummate number since there does not exist a number n which divided by its sum of digits gives 27744.
27744 has an aliquot sequence that does not terminate after 121 steps.
27744 does not reach a home prime after 25 steps.
27744 is a practical, abundant, Zumkeller and pseudoperfect number.
27744 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
2 - 7 / 7 = 4 / 4