27601 is a member of OEIS A036301: numbers whose sum of even digits and sum of odd digits are equal. These numbers are what I have termed attractors. See my blog post Revisting Odds and Evens.
27601 is part of a run of six consecutive numbers (from 27597 to 27602) that are step step removed from their home primes. Here 73943 is prime.
27601 has a digit sum of 16 and 27601 + 16 = 27617 which is a prime number.
27601 is a xenodrome in base 10 since none of its digits repeat.
27601 consists of 3943 groups of seven and so 2943 weeks have now passed since my birth. Because 3943 is a prime number, this coming week could be termed a prime week. See my blog post Prime Weeks.
27601 is a nialpdrome (digits are non-increasing) and katadrome (digits are strictly decreasing) in base 13 (c742).
27601 is cyclic and Duffinian number.
27601 is a de Polignac number because none of the positive numbers 27601 -2^k is a prime with k >0.
27601 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
-2 + 7 - 6 = 0 + 1
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