27574 is a Hidden Beast Number: in base 8 the number's representation contains three adjacent 6's (65666).
The numbers from 27574 to 40000 with this property are:
27574, 28032, 28033, 28034, 28035, 28036, 28037, 28038, 28039, 28040, 28041, 28042, 28043, 28044, 28045, 28046, 28047, 28048, 28049, 28050, 28051, 28052, 28053, 28054, 28055, 28056, 28057, 28058, 28059, 28060, 28061, 28062, 28063, 28064, 28065, 28066, 28067, 28068, 28069, 28070, 28071, 28072, 28073, 28074, 28075, 28076, 28077, 28078, 28079, 28080, 28081, 28082, 28083, 28084, 28085, 28086, 28087, 28088, 28089, 28090, 28091, 28092, 28093, 28094, 28095, 28598, 29110, 29622, 30134, 30646, 31158, 31670, 32176, 32177, 32178, 32179, 32180, 32181, 32182, 32183, 32694, 33206, 33718, 34230, 34742, 35254, 35766, 36272, 36273, 36274, 36275, 36276, 36277, 36278, 36279, 36790, 37302, 37814, 38326, 38838, 39350, 39862
27574 is a sphenic and untouchable number.
27574 does NOT reach a home prime after 50 steps.
27574 cannot be rendered as a digit equation: