27600 is number whose sum of prime factors (counted with multiplicity) is a number whose digits are identical, here 44.
27600 is a member of a group of six consecutive numbers (from 27597 to 27602) that are one step removed from their home primes, here 222235523.
27600 has an aliquot sequence that does not terminate after 101 steps.
27600 is a tau number because it is divisible by the number of its divisors (60).
27600 is a hoax number since the sum of its digits (15) coincides with the sum of the digits of its distinct prime factors.
27600 is a Harshad number since it is a multiple of its sum of digits (15).
27600 is an inconsummate number since there does not exist a number n which divided by its sum of digits gives 27600.
27600 is a self number because there is not a number n which added to its sum of digits gives 27600.
27600 is a practical number because each smaller number is the sum of distinct divisors of 27600.
27600 is an abundant, Zumkeller & pseudoperfect number.
27600 is digitally balanced in base 4, because in such base it contains all the possibile digits an equal number of times (12233100).
27600 is a nialpdrome in base 13 (c741) but because it digits are strictly decreasing it is also a katadrome.
27600 can be expressed as a digit equation as follows:
2 * 7 * 6 * 0 = 0