27553 has the property that all its digits are prime and so it is a member of OEIS A046034. It forms a pair with 27552.
There are 852 such numbers in the range up to 40000. Permalink. The remaining 27**** numbers are:
27555, 27557, 27572, 27573, 27575, 27577, 27722, 27723, 27725, 27727, 27732, 27733, 27735, 27737, 27752, 27753, 27755, 27757, 27772, 27773, 27775, 27777
27553 is a cyclic and Duffinian number.
27553 has a product of digits of 1050 and 27553 + 1050 = 28603 which is a prime number
27553 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
2 + 7 ^ (5 - 5) = 3