27646 is a sphenic numbers whose sum of prime factors is a palindrome, here 626.
Here are the numbers between 27646 and 40000:
27646, 27713, 27722, 27741, 27761, 27902, 27931, 27938, 27995, 28078, 28095, 28135, 28186, 28222, 28258, 28483, 28526, 28558, 28582, 28598, 28615, 28671, 28702, 28762, 28797, 28951, 29026, 29193, 29203, 29206, 29289, 29341, 29486, 29561, 29563, 29679, 29711, 29783, 29811, 29815, 29882, 29906, 29945, 29971, 30098, 30178, 30229, 30286, 30295, 30349, 30401, 30406, 30481, 30874, 30962, 30982, 31171, 31295, 31349, 31413, 31426, 31559, 31565, 31622, 31655, 31691, 31745, 31913, 32091, 32123, 32131, 32218, 32219, 32342, 32431, 32457, 32523, 32566, 32594, 32665, 32702, 32795, 32882, 32893, 32918, 33051, 33087, 33145, 33153, 33155, 33326, 33338, 33371, 33387, 33454, 33511, 33553, 33562, 33781, 33845, 33943, 33998, 34105, 34151, 34195, 34333, 34402, 34431, 34522, 34523, 34661, 34743, 34882, 34891, 35121, 35174, 35203, 35342, 35441, 35482, 35483, 35555, 35602, 35629, 35711, 35733, 35929, 36034, 36158, 36201, 36205, 36281, 36418, 36515, 36766, 36803, 36841, 36859, 36941, 36994, 37022, 37077, 37083, 37167, 37169, 37271, 37326, 37442, 37465, 37471, 37499, 37505, 37595, 37741, 37742, 37754, 37858, 38005, 38006, 38054, 38315, 38337, 38471, 38555, 38607, 38614, 38893, 39005, 39038, 39061, 39091, 39183, 39238, 39261, 39291, 39306, 39353, 39431, 39458, 39491, 39589, 39603, 39698, 39721, 39866, 39903, 39966]
27646 is a self number.
27646 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
2 ^ (7 - 6) = -4 + 6
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