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Waitlist for Grocery Rescue and MealConnect

Thank you for being interested in receiving food from Waste Not! This form will help us understand you organization's needs better. Once we find potential space in the routes or on MealConnect for your agency, we will notify you of the opportunity and will begin the onboarding process. We do require all our partner agencies to be active 501(c)3 nonprofits and have a valid Food Handler's Card OR ServSafe Certification, so please have your EIN ready before applying. You may also fill this out if you already receive Grocery Rescue, but want to receive deliveries on additional days.

Are you interested in being added to the waitlist for:
Please select all that apply.
  • Grocery Rescue -- Current Recipient, Seeking Additional Days
  • Grocery Rescue -- Prospective Recipient
  • MealConnect -- Prospective Recipient
(Street, City, State, ZIP)
Please specify if it's weekly or monthly. This can be a rough estimate.
What type of storage space do you have?
Please select all that apply.
How many pounds of food are you able to accept weekly?
Note: Our Grocery Rescue drivers generally work Monday - Friday, between 5 am - 3 pm, with agency deliveries starting after 9 am. Our MealConnect volunteer hours typically deliver between 8 am - 7 pm, Monday - Friday.
E.G. if there are ramps from parking lot, if the agency is accessible by box truck, is the doorway wide enough to accommodate a pallet. etc.
2024 Agency Information copy

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