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💡 Data Futures: Submit an Idea

We’re looking for data innovation ideas from Census Bureau Employees that identify a clear challenge to mission delivery and an opportunity to solve for it. Please fill out the form below to submit an idea. This form is for use by federal employees of the Census Bureau only and is not intended for use by federal contractors or members of the public. Please do not include any sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) outside of information to identify yourself. As a reminder, PII examples include names, addresses, social security numbers, employer identification numbers, telephone numbers, and email addresses.

Use your official email
Your supervisor will only be notified of your contribution to Data Futures for consideration in your performance review. Whether your idea is selected or not, your contribution is valuable!
What Division or Office do you work in?
Select your Division or Office from this list. If your Division or Office is not listed, please select Other.
Provide a short and catchy title for your project, e.g. "Rethinking Business Data Collection"
What challenge are you hoping to solve for?
Please write 1-2 sentences describing the severity and nature of the challenge, e.g. "Response rates to Census Bureau business surveys are falling. At the same time, business’ IT and data management practices are rapidly modernizing. These new data management practices present Census with the opportunity to collect data in new ways that simultaneously reduce respondent burden by better accommodating modern business IT practices and allow Census to collect more data, more quickly (and subsequently produce more timely and granular estimates)."

What's the potential impact of solving challenge?
Please write 1-2 sentences describing who would stand to benefit from this challenge being solved, e.g. "accommodating business data management practices can lead to publishing more granular estimates in a more timely fashion. This idea has been proven out by the Commodity Flow Survey, which modernized its data collection instrument in 2022 and was able to collect 10x the shipment records from businesses across America as a result (6M -> 100M shipment records collected), without a commensurate increase in burden on businesses. Some work is underway within Econ to pursue working with data management solution vendors (such as SAP) which we suggest be further pursued to this end as well."

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