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✍️DashoContent | Website Design Brief

The more details you provide about your business, product, or service, the better we can design a look and strategy to effectively market your brand. We may not be familiar with industry terminology or processes, so please elaborate where necessary. This allows us to create an informed strategy focused on engaging your audience and potential customers for greater success. Type your answers below each question, providing as much information as possible. After reviewing, we'll follow up with any additional questions before proceeding. Once completed, press "Submit". You may also reach out to us at

What is your business, product or service? What is your business, product or service name?
What are your current needs?
Do you have an existing website? Please provide it below.
Do you have hosting and domain ready?
What’s the big picture? What’s going on in your market? Any opportunities or problems in the market?
What do you hope to accomplish with hiring an agency? How would you like to see your brand and/or business grow? What are your short-term goals for your brand and events?
Your primary demographic focus: gender, age group, income? The more precise and detailed, the better. Go beyond age and sex to describe demographics and psychographics.
Tip: Providing your thoughts on colors, textures, shapes, photography illustration and typography will help guide designers.
List websites you like. eg.
E.g. I like the homepage of the website, the colors and imagery used as well as the menu and buttons
How many pages do you need designed for your website?
E.g. Home screen, payment section, loading screen, browse section. Tip: If you require more than 5 pages we recommend identifying a design direction first and then working with the designer one on one.
Outline the content for each page layout and also what the main goal of each page is. E.g. The homepage should introduce our company and what we do as well as direct them to search or browse our anvils. It should also show featured anvils and anvils on special.
What keywords best describe your business?
Please share any additional comments you think are important to take into consideration as we begin production. Also, do you have any images, sketches, content or documents that might be helpful? If so, kindly mail to:

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