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溫哥華小參 Vancouver Q&A

見護法師親臨溫哥華,開放隨喜談禪參時間,可回答修行或個人疑問。 Jianhu Shifu is visiting Vancouver! If you have any personal or Buddhist cultivation questions, here is a chance to sign up!

我已使用以上Email填寫般若法航學員資料 I have filled out the Prajna Dharma Follower Form using the email above
只有填寫過般若法航學員資料才可視為報名成功: This registration is successful only if you have filled out the Prajna Dharma Follower Form:
時間 Time
若有多人請列出其姓名。如有特殊需求請在這裡註明 List names of other participants here, or special requests.
  • {name}

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