• Valid passport
• Filled Application Form https://vistos.mne.gov.pt/images/formulario_visto_nacional_en.pdf
• Proof of clean criminal record (certificate)
• Medical Insurance
• Document attesting fiscal residence
• You must apply in the country where you hold a citizenship or a residence permit
• Proof of income from remote work for a minimum of three months, including contracts, tax declarations, and bank statements.
• Proof of accommodation: 4 months, so short-term rent via AirBnb mig
• Apply at the Portuguese consulate/embassy https://pedidodevistos.mne.gov.pt/VistosOnline/ in your country of origin or current residency or via the VFS center https://www.vfsglobal.com/en/individuals/index.html.
• Book an appointment (where applicable), come with all documents in hand (or submit them electronically),
• Wait for your visa request to be approved,
• Bring your passport to get a visa sticker.
Strictly based on requirements
• This visa is relatively new to Portugal and that means to consulates/embassies as well as SEF which might lead to some difficulties in interpreting the requirements of the visa.
• While not an official requirement, it’s recommended to show at least 9,130-16,000 EUR of savings per person on the bank account (not necessarily Portuguese) to increase the chances of approval
Time to a visa: Depends on a particular consular location, appointment wait can be up to six months with another 2-4 months of waiting for the visa to be issued with the average time being 60 days. Important: When you receive your visa, there will be a weblink that tells you the date, time and place of your SEF appointment to receive your residence permit (for a long-term DN).
Time to a residency permit: depending on a particular SEF (migrant and border agency) - from 14 days to 6 months. Imp
Officially 5 years after holding consecutive residencies. However, after the filing the application for a passport the wait for the case to be processed can be up to 1-2 years.
To retain the residence, you should not leave Portugal for more than 4 consecutive or 8 cumulative months within the term of your residency permit’s validity.
The cost of the DN visa application through VFS is 90EUR. The fee for issuing a residency permit is 158 EUR
If you apply for a DN visa, your family can apply for accompanying visas at the same time as the primary applicant. These visas will have the same duration as the main holder's Digital Nomad visa - either long-term and converted to a residence permit by SEF, or short-term.
NHR - don’t be fooled by the widely advertised non-habitual resident tax regime (0% income tax) - it has a very limited scope of application and the fiscal mistakes are costly in Portugal. Please consult an experienced accountant first.
In some consulates, the proof of the long-term rent is also required, you can use services like Flatio or Uniplaces for that purpose.
Tip 2: When applying, write a motivation letter - while this is not required, this will help your application. Outline why and how you plan on moving to Portugal.
1800-3000 EUR depending on the location/city. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Portugal
Americans&Friends Portugal
Lisbon Digital Nomads
Expats Lisbon
Girl Gone International (women-only)
Medium - it’s relatively easy to master for everyday tasks, plus there are free A1-A2 language courses for the foreigners. And the locals are very supportive when one tries to speak Portuguese. Level of English spoken - high, much higher than in Spain or France.
D2 for entrepreneurs (Startup Visa)
Required documents for each member of the startup team (up to 5 people):
• Valid passport
• Proof of clean criminal record (certificate with apostile no older than 3 months)
• CV with photo
• Bank statement with minimum 5,800 EUR (Social Support Index) and a written testimony to transfer these funds to Portugal
• NIF and NISS (Portuguese tax and social numbers) or a written testimony to obtain them if the startup is approved
• Motivation letter signed by all team members
Criteria for projects:
• Fill in the first part of the application (short description of the project, profiles of the team members), upload all necessary documents, including the Motivation Letter.
• Select the incubators from the list, send them requests, preferably with a pitch deck. Wait for at least one expression of interest from the incubator.
• Fill in the rest of the application form and submit it for review.
• Wait time for approval is currently 4-7 months.
• Once you receive a favourable decision from IAP
Somewhat random
Strictly based on requirements
Very subjective
Education level requirement: In May 2023, the IAPMEI (the ministry evaluating startup applications) introduced an additional requirement of a mandatory proof of at least tertiary education (completed BA degree). While there is no official requirement stated in the program description, it is now an obligatory field in the startup application form.
Time to a visa: Depends on a particular consular location, appointment wait can be up to six months with another 2-4 months of waiting for the visa to be issued with the average time being 60 days. Time to a residency permit: depending on a particular SEF (migrant and border agency) - from 14 days to 6 months.
You can apply for the residency permit directly in Portugal (provided you entered it legally on some other type of visa if it’s needed).
Important: new migrant affairs agency will be fo
Officially 5 years after holding consecutive residencies. However, after the filing the application for a passport the wait for the case to be processed can be up to 1-2 years.
To retain the residence, you should not leave Portugal for more than 4 consecutive or 8 cumulative months within the term of your residency permit’s validity.
Applying for a startup program on the IAPMEI website is free. The cost of the D2 visa application through VFS is 90EUR. The fee for issuing a residency permit for two years is 355EUR
Depends but normally not needed
The startup residency permit/D2 visa (Article 89.4) is not granted to the family members together with the primary applicant - they need to follow the formal reunification procedure once the primary applicant receives their Portuguese residency permit. This can take up to 6 months, depending on the availability of the reunification appointment slots at the SEF.
Once again: startup program application on the IAPMEI website is free - anyone who tells you otherwise is a scammer.
Family reunification: To cut the wait time of the family reunification, you can include you spouse in the startup team, provided that they have the proven experience relevant to the startup activity. However, if you have children you will still need to wait for the reunification slots to open before you can apply for reuniting with them. But if you already reside in Portugal at this point, your children will be admitted to kindergartens and schools without the residency permits. Entry to Portuga
1800-3000 EUR depending on the location/city. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Portugal
Guide to the startup program application
IAPMEI Startup Application - where you should apply with your startup https://webapps.iapmei.pt/StartupVisa/VisaEmp/Account/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fStartupVisa%2f&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1
Startup Visa/Residency requirements:
International Startup Community: https://351.community
Medium - it’s relatively easy to master for everyday tasks, plus there are free A1-A2 language courses for the foreigners. And the locals are very supportive when one tries to speak Portuguese. Level of English spoken - high, much higher than in Spain or France.
D7 for passive income
The D7 visa is a residency visa for individuals with a legal, passive, and predictable income of at least €760 per month and savings of at least €9,120.
Typically, applicants are required to show proof of income for the last year. Still, in some countries, a shorter period of 6–8 months may be sufficient.
• You must apply in the country where you hold a citizenship or a residence permit.
• Passive income (dividends, royalties, rent) is the only type of income that can be used to apply for th
• Apply at the Portuguese consulate/embassy https://pedidodevistos.mne.gov.pt/VistosOnline/ in your country of origin or current residency or via the VFS center https://www.vfsglobal.com/en/individuals/index.html.
• Book an appointment (where applicable), come with all documents in hand (or submit them electronically),
• Wait for your visa request to be approved,
• Bring your passport to get a visa sticker.
Strictly based on requirements
Time to a visa: Depends on a particular consular location, appointment wait can be up to six months with another 2-4 months of waiting for the visa to be issued with the average time being 60 days. Important: When you receive your visa, there will be a weblink that tells you the date, time and place of your SEF appointment to receive your residence permit (not at all consular locations).
Time to a residency permit: depending on a particular SEF (migrant and border agency) - from 14 days to 6
Officially 5 years after holding consecutive residencies. However, after the filing the application for a passport the wait for the case to be processed can be up to 1-2 years.
To retain the residence, you should not leave Portugal for more than 4 consecutive or 8 cumulative months within the term of your residency permit’s validity.
The cost of the D7 visa application through VFS is 90EUR. The fee for issuing a residency permit is 158 EUR
If you apply for a D7 visa, your family can apply for accompanying visas at the same time as the primary applicant. However, you will need to show larger amount of funds - +50% of the overall amount for a spouse and 25% for each child.
NHR - don’t be fooled by the widely advertised non-habitual resident tax regime (0% income tax) - it has a very limited scope of application and the fiscal mistakes are costly in Portugal. Please consult an experienced accountant first.
In some consulates, the proof of the long-term rent is also required, you can use services like Flatio or Uniplaces for that purpose. Tip 2: When applying, write a motivation letter - while this is not required, this will help your application. Outline why and how you plan on moving to Portugal.
1800-3000 EUR depending on the location/city. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Portugal
Americans&Friends Portugal https://www.facebook.com/groups/americansandfriendsPT/?ref=share
Expats Lisbon
Girl Gone International (women-only)
Medium - it’s relatively easy to master for everyday tasks, plus there are free A1-A2 language courses for the foreigners. And the locals are very supportive when one tries to speak Portuguese. Level of English spoken - high, much higher than in Spain or France.
Freelance visa (Freiberufler)
Please note that the exact list of requirements may vary from country to country - always remember to check the requirements on the website of the German consulate in your country of origin or residence.
Important: this residency permit type is tied to a specific type of activity so if you want to work in more than one professional capacity (for example, photographer AND marketing specialist), you need to clearly state that in your application.
Visa (valid for 6 months):
• Your professional
1. Check the site of the German Embassy or Consulate General in your country of residence for additional requirements in your country, https://www.diplo.de/addresses, and book an appointment.
2. Complete and print out the visa application form using https://videx-national.diplo.de/videx/
3. Bring your application form along with supporting documents with you to your appointment
4. After approval from the Embassy or Consulate General, get your visa sticker in your passport
5. Apply for your r
Strictly based on requirements
Some foreign offices may require you to bring the proof of German language proficiency at no lower than B2 from a certified language school (like Goethe Institute). While not an official requirement, it is likely to be further waived in the upcoming legislation on immigration.
Also, Freelance visa is more popular in larger cities like Berlin and Hamburg and immigration officers in smaller cities may delay making a decision on your residency permit because they are less familiar with this permi
Time to visa: 4-6 weeks (can be longer, depending on the consulate)
Time to residency permit: Depends on the local immigrations office, should be up to 4 weeks from the day of submitting the documents at the office.
Normally, up to 8 years but now new legislation is being finalized that allows obtaining a passport after 5 years of residency and 3 years of residency based on the level of integration of the candidate for citizenship (language and Life in Germany courses).
You should not leave Germany for over than 6 consecutive months and should retain your registration at the residential German address.
75 EUR for the national visa, 100 EUR for the residency permit.
Family reunification is a separate process and can be started only once the principal applicant has obtained a residency permit in Germany.
Please note that there is no process to apply to straight for the residency permit when already in the country, the family needs to apply for a national/Schengen visa first and then obtain a residency permit.
As an exception, it is possible to apply for a residence permit in Germany on the basis of a Schengen visa. The Berlin immigration office has exper
Registering at the residential address when in Germany is always free - simply go to the city council and bring your passport, rental agreement and a statement from your landlord (Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung) - this is also cost-free.
Tip1: Translate and notarize the translation of all your documents except for your passport and insurance. You can use this service https://www.translated.net/en/preventivo.php?refid=6916&ref=pronomad.ru for verified translations.
Tip 2: You need to register at your long-term residential address within 14 days of settling in your intended German city or you may face heavy fines.
Tip 3: Get Hafpflichtversicherung first thing you are in Germany - it’s not expensive and this insurance protects
2000-4000 EUR depending on the city and federal land
Visa Navigator (official source): https://visa.diplo.de/en/index.html#/vib
Family Reunification - https://www.germany-visa.org/family-reunion-visa/
Guide to Freelance (Freiberufler) residency in Berlin: https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/328332/en/
Guide to writing a German CV (Lebenslauf)
German Freelance Visa Help: https://www.facebook.com/groups/germanfreelancevisa/?ref=share
Girl Gone International (women-only) https://www.facebook.com/groups/girlgoneinternational/?ref=share
Difficult - it is hard to master German quickly plus the local culture is not really supportive to language-learners.
Not great
Freelance Visa (Selbständiger)
This type of visa is almost identical to the Freelance Freiberufler visa with the important distinction - it presupposes that you are either self-employed as a sole proprietor or are a founder of a company in Germany.
Visa (valid for 6 months):
• Printed and signed application form https://videx-national.diplo.de/?ref=pronomad.ru
• 3 biometric photos
• Passport
• CV (please note that Germany has a specific format for CVs called Lebenslauf)
• Proof of medical insurance
• Pension plan (if old
1. Check the site of the German Embassy or Consulate General in your country of residence for additional requirements in your country, www.diplo.de/addresses, and book an appointment.
2. Complete and print out the visa application form using https://videx-national.diplo.de/videx/
3. Bring your application form along with supporting documents with you to your appointment
4. After approval from the Embassy or Consulate General, get your visa sticker in your passport
5. Apply for your residence
Strictly based on requirements
Some foreign offices may require you to bring the proof of German language proficiency at no lower than B2 from a certified language school (like Goethe Institute). While not an official requirement, it is likely to be further waived in the upcoming legislation on immigration.
Also, Freelance visa is more popular in larger cities like Berlin and Hamburg and immigration officers in smaller cities may delay making a decision on your residency permit because they are less familiar with this permi
Time to visa: 4-6 weeks (can be longer, depending on the consulate)
Time to residency permit: Depends on the local immigrations office, should be up to 4 weeks from the day of submitting the documents at the office.
Normally, up to 8 years but now new legislation is being finalized that allows obtaining a passport after 5 years of residency and 3 years of residency based on the level of integration of the candidate for citizenship (language and Life in Germany courses).
You should not leave Germany for over than 6 consecutive months and should retain your registration at the residential German address.
75 EUR for the national visa, 100 EUR for the residency permit.
Family reunification is a separate process and can be started only once the principal applicant has obtained a residency permit in Germany.
Please note that there is no process to apply to straight for the residency permit when already in the country, the family needs to apply for a national/Schengen visa first and then obtain a residency permit.
Registering at the residential address when in Germany is always free - simply go to the city council and bring your passport, rental agreement and a statement from your landlord (Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung) - this is also cost-free.
Tip1: Translate and notarize the translation of all your documents except for your passport and insurance. You can use this service for verified translations https://www.translated.net/en/preventivo.php?refid=6916&ref=pronomad.ru .
Tip 2: You need to register at your long-term residential address within 14 days of settling in your intended German city or you may face heavy fines.
Tip 3: Get Hafpflichtversicherung first thing you are in Germany - it’s not expensive and this insurance protects
2000-4000 EUR depending on the city and federal land
Visa Navigator (official source): https://visa.diplo.de/en/index.html#/vib
Family Reunification - https://www.germany-visa.org/family-reunion-visa/
Guide to Freelance (Freiberufler) residency in Berlin: https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/328332/en/
Guide to writing a German CV (Lebenslauf)
German Freelance Visa Help: https://www.facebook.com/groups/germanfreelancevisa/?ref=share
Girl Gone International (women-only) https://www.facebook.com/groups/girlgoneinternational/?ref=share
Difficult - it is hard to master German quickly plus the local culture is not really supportive to language-learners.
Not great
Jobseeker Visa
A German job seeker visa is a work visa issued to anyone who wants to find work in Germany. If you are granted this visa, you are allowed to stay in the country for up to 6 months and find employment and afterwards apply for a work permit and remain in Germany long-term.
To qualify for the job seeker visa, you need to meet the following requirements:
• You are a third-country national who needs a visa to enter the country.
• You have a minimum of five years of experience in your related profes
1. Check the site of the German Embassy or Consulate General in your country of residence for additional requirements in your country, https://www.diplo.de/addresses , and book an appointment.
2. Complete and print out the visa application form using https://videx-national.diplo.de/videx/
3. Bring your application form along with supporting documents with you to your appointment
4. After approval from the Embassy or Consulate General, get your visa sticker in your passport
5. Arrive in the coun
Strictly based on requirements
The motivation letter should include responses from potential employers.
Time to visa: 4-6 weeks (can be longer, depending on the consulate)
Time to residency permit: Not converted into residency permit
This visa is not converted into residency permit but once a job is found, the regular rules for the job-based residency permits apply.
Normally, up to 8 years but now new legislation is being finalized that allows obtaining a passport after 5 years of residency and 3 years of residency based on the level of integration of the candidate for citizenship (language and Life in Germany courses).
National type D visa is issued for 6 months and is not converted into a residency permit until a job is found.
75 EUR for the national visa
Family reunification is a separate process and can be started only once the principal applicant has obtained a residency permit in Germany.
Please note that there is no process to apply to straight for the residency permit when already in the country, the family needs to apply for a national/Schengen visa first and then obtain a residency permit.
Registering at the residential address when in Germany is always free - simply go to the city council and bring your passport, rental agreement and a statement from your landlord (Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung) - this is also cost-free.
Tip1: Translate and notarize the translation of all your documents except for your passport and insurance. You can use this service https://www.translated.net/en/preventivo.php?refid=6916&ref=pronomad.ru for verified translations.
Tip 2: You need to register at your long-term residential address within 14 days of settling in your intended German city or you may face heavy fines.
Tip 3: Get Hafpflichtversicherung first thing you are in Germany - it’s not expensive and this insurance protects
2000-4000 EUR depending on the city and federal land
Visa Navigator (official source): https://visa.diplo.de/en/index.html#/vib
Guide to writing a German CV (Lebenslauf)
Girl Gone International (women-only)
Difficult - it is hard to master German quickly plus the local culture is not really supportive to language-learners.
Not great
French Tech/Talent Passport
The French Tech Visa is a simplified procedure, dedicated to the Tech ecosystem, for international tech talent for the obtention of a multi-year residence permit, known as the “Passeport Talent” (“Talent Passport”):
• French Tech Visa for Founders: for international start-up founders selected by partner incubators and accelerators; Startup founders may be granted a 4-year residence permit marked «Talent Passport innovative project » if they provide evidence of:
• An innovative business project
1. Application to one (or several) of the French Tech Visa partner incubators and accelerators https://lafrenchtech.com/en/how-france-helps-startups/french-tech-visa/visa-for-founders/ , through their regular process of selection, an incubator or accelerator supported by the French Tech Capital, or request of the support from two members of the French Tech ecosystem (research organizations, laboratories, qualified individuals, companies, etc.) who will each issue a letter of support.
2. After b
Strictly based on requirements
Might be hard to find a French partner/incubator/accelerator. Priority is given to deep-tech, industry 4.0 projects, rather than B2C.
Visa: depending on the Embassy/Consulate in your country, from 4-6 weeks.
Residence permit: From 2 weeks to 1 month
At the end of 5 years of legal and uninterrupted residence in France, workers in this category may apply for the resident card entitling the bearer to reside in France and engage in any professional activity (provide they hold the necessary diplomas, if working in a regulated professions).
Residence cards are issued for 10 years on a renewable basis.
However, after 5 years of residency in France you can apply for the French passport.
The absences from the territory of the European Union do not extend over more than 12 consecutive months and do not exceed 18 months in total over the five years
Visa - 99 EUR, Residence permit - 225 EUR
The spouse and dependent children of the holder of a Talent Passport permit have accompanying family status. The spouse should apply, and will be issued with a ‘Talent Passport – Family’ residence permit. This permit authorizes the family to stay and undertake any paid employment in France as long as the foreign employee’s residence permit is valid.
Administrative cost: €225 for the spouse’s residence permit and €99 per visa issued to each member of the accompanying family.
Application to the incubators and accelerators is free - anyone who tells you otherwise is a scammer. However, the incubation/acceleration is often not free and starts from 200-300 EUR per month.
If someone says they have “connections” within French accelerators and incubators ecosystem and wants to charge you for that - also beware, because it’s free and quite easy to do on your own.
Tip 1: The procedure of obtaining a Talent Passport visa should be initiated no earlier than three months before the date of arrival in France.
If the applicant is already living in France, the procedure should be initiated three months before the previous residence permit expires.
From 3000 to 5000 EUR depending on the location/city
Official guide to the program and visas: https://www.welcometofrance.com/en/fiche/french-tech-visa-for-founders
Video guide: https://youtu.be/Rk3GusR4o2g
Difficult - it is hard to master French quickly plus the local culture is not really supportive to language-learners.
Digital Nomad Visa
DN visa has been designed for those who work remotely or freelance with a proven monthly income of 2,520€ or more.
You can work for a foreign company located outside of Spain. However, you can also work for a Spanish company, as long as you have a work contract with this company and the percentage of income from this activity does not exceed 20% of your total professional activity.
Main requirements:
- Work remotely for a foreign company that has been in existence for at least 1 year or be sel
two ways to apply:
1️⃣ At the Spanish consulate of your country (with a residence permit or a civil status) you will be issued a national type D visa for year, two months before the end of which you can apply for a three-year residence permit in Spain.
2️⃣ Enter Spain legally on any visa/document, including tourist Schengen: apply at once for three-year residence permit in UGE. Then renew it for another 2 years.
Strictly based on requirements
15 to 45 days for the visa, 1-2 months for the residency permit.
10 years
You can not be absent from Spain for more than 6 months in a calendar year
73.26 EUR
Family members can request a freelance residence permit (at the same time or later than the principal applicant) by proving financial means.
• Documents proving family relationship with the worker: birth or marriage certificates issued by the civil registry, certificate of registration as an unmarried couple or any other document proving that the relationship is an unregistered partnership. Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, when n
Every foreign document must be translated to Spanish by a certified Spanish translator (Jurado).
List of Translators-Interpreters registered in Spain is available here http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/LONDRES/en/Consulado/Pages/Translations.aspx .
Official documents issued by a Member State of the European Union, do not require legalization.
The marriage certificate and the criminal record certificate must also be apostles (European certificates do not need to be apostilled).
1800-3000 EUR depending on the city/location/size of the family
Digital Nomads Spain: https://www.facebook.com/groups/digitalnomadsspain
Relatively easy - Spanish is not that difficult to learn. English is not common outside tourist destinations.
Non Lucrativa Visa
Visa to reside in Spain without carrying out any gainful (work or professional) activity, provided that the applicant has sufficient and guaranteed means to live on. This visa does not constitute a work permit.
To apply for a non-lucrative visa for Spain, you must show evidence of sufficient funds. You must have a monthly income of €2,400 or an annual income of €28,800. You need an extra €7.200 for each member you plan on taking with you.
1. National visa application form https://www.exteriore
All non-working residence visas require the obtainment of an initial residence permit, which is processed at the same time as the visa application.
• Who can apply for a visa: Visa applications must be submitted in person by the applicant, or by one of their parents if the applicant is a minor.
• Place of submission: Applications must be submitted in person at the Consular Office. An appointment is necessary.
• Proof of receipt: The Consular Office will provide the applicant wi
Strictly based on requirements
Somewhat random
Up to 3 months for a visa, 1-2 months for a 2-year residency permit
10 years
The initial residency permit can be extended for additional two years twice to receive the permanent residency permit.
80 EUR
The following family members may also obtain the visa:
• The spouse or unmarried partner.
• Dependent children and dependent relatives in the ascending line who form part of the family unit.
Important: If you have children of a school age, they cannot attend public schools, only private.
Every foreign document must be translated to Spanish by a certified Spanish translator (Jurado).
List of Translators-Interpreters registered in Spain is available here http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/LONDRES/en/Consulado/Pages/Translations.aspx .
Official documents issued by a Member State of the European Union, do not require legalization.
The marriage certificate and the criminal record certificate must also be apostles (European certificates do not need to be apostilled).
1800-3000 EUR depending on the city/location/size of the family
Relatively easy - Spanish is not that difficult to learn. English is not common outside tourist destinations.
Startup Visa
The startup residency in 2023 is granted for 3 years to startup founders and their families (children, spouses and parents).
Requirements of the program:
• You should have sufficient funds of €30 240 on your account for 1 person (200% of SMI annual) — NEW rules from 20.03.2023 https://www.inclusion.gob.es/documents/410169/0/report_230403+Instrucciones+ENISA_corregido+cobertura.pdf/730e8460-4a51-e2f6-ee17-cc330c9def8a?t=1681813814762
• You can apply for 1-year visa in your country of origin or
Application is now done online through ENISA https://www.enisa.es/ .
Fill in the application, wait until the favourable decision
Come to Spain (if you need a visa, request a national type D visa in your country of origin or residence)
Make an appointment at the local police station
Bring all the documents, wait for the residency card to arrive by post.
10 years, with 1.5 years being the average processing time for citizenships
First residence for 3 years, can be renewed for an equal term and counts towards permanent residency and citizenship. Can be exchanged to another available residency type.
Residency permit - 73,26 EUR. Translations, medical insurance and necessary documents can cost 300-600 EUR
Main applicant can apply together with the family but will need to show higher means of subsistence - €11 340 (spouse) —**75% of SMI and € 3 780 for each child — 25% of SMI.
Application is free through the ENISA system online
1. It's very important to show added value for the Spanish economy and the innovation aspect - employment can be one of those. Here is the chart showing the areas with highest employment/unemployment in Spain in 2022 which may help you to choose the region for investment.
2. The following areas are considered important for innovation in Spain: environment, green energy, health-tech, biotechnology, clean-tech, sea protection, B2B SaaS. .
1800-3000 EUR depending on the city/location/size of the family
Startup visa guide: https://immi-lab.notion.site/Startup-Visa-Eng-08b05169da0b41078657232a3f6acd86
Official links:
Official instructions (Spanish) https://file.notion.so/f/s/44cc960d-feaa-46b8-974e-3a1ed513564a/Instrucciones_solicitud_emprendedores-4.pdf?id=11f4e7ff-b977-45c5-891a-d07223b3
Barcelona startups - https://www.facebook.com/groups/789355221224779
Relatively easy - Spanish is not that difficult to learn. English is not common outside tourist destinations.
Global Talent Visa
A Global Talent Visa lets you:
• Be an employee, self-employed and a director of a company;
• Change or stop doing your job without telling the Home Office;
• Bring your partner and children with you as your ‘dependants’, if they’re eligible;
• Travel abroad and return to the UK;
• Renew your Visa as many times as you like if you meet the eligibility criteria for extending your stay https://www.gov.uk/global-talent/extend-your-visa .
Requirements for a Candidate
• You can apply for a Global Tal
Application Process
Before you apply for the Global Talent Visa, you need to have either:
• won an eligible award https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/global-talent-eligible-prize-list ;
• successfully applied for an endorsement to prove that you are a leader or potential leader in your field.
If you're applying for an endorsement
Step 1. Find out https://www.gov.uk/global-talent how to apply for an endorsement.
You should do it before you apply for a Visa.
Step 2. Apply for this Visa if:
Strictly based on requirements
Once you’ve applied online, proved your identity and provided your documents, you’ll usually get a decision on your Visa within:
• 3 weeks, if you’re outside the UK;
• 8 weeks, if you’re inside the UK.
It’s currently taking longer to get a decision on Global Talent Visas when you apply from outside the UK. Find out Visa decision waiting times https://www.gov.uk/guidance/visa-decision-waiting-times-applications-outside-the-uk .
If you need to go to an appointment, you may be able to pay for a fas
You need to prove you were: living in the UK for the 5 years before you apply. outside the UK for no more than 450 days in those 5 years. outside the UK for no more than 90 days in the past 12 months.
It costs £623 ($746) to apply.
If you’re applying based on an endorsement, you’ll pay the £623 in two parts
• £456 ($546) when you apply for the endorsement;
• £167 ($200) when you apply for the Visa itself.
If you’re applying based on an eligible award, you’ll pay the full £623 ($746) when you apply for the Visa.
If you’re including your partner or children in your application, they’ll each need to pay £623 ($746).
Healthcare surcharge
You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge https://ww
Your partner and children can apply to join you or to stay in the UK as your ‘dependants’ if they’re eligible.
A dependant is any of the following:
• your husband, wife, civil partner or unmarried partner;
• your child under 18 - including if they were born in the UK during your stay;
• your child over 18 if they’re currently in the UK as your dependant.
Your partner must be able to prove that either:
• you’re in a civil partnership or marriage that’s recognised in the UK;
• you’ve been living
1. Update your LinkedIn and google yourself to see what comes up.
2. Prepare 3 recommendation letters:
from the relevant organisation based in the UK,
from the organisation outside the UK recommending you as a candidate and
from the organisation or person who has high reputation in your sphere of expertise.
2500-3800 EUR depending on the location, https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=United+Kingdom
Official source: https://www.gov.uk/global-talent
It’s English:)
Not great
Green Visa for Freelancers
Green visa is a new type of a 5-year residency permit in the UAE, launched in October 2022. This residency permit is given to those who can financially sustain themselves without an employer or a sponsor.
Important: You can apply for this type of permit inside the UAE.
Required documents:
• Education diploma BA or above
• Proof of income from $90,000 for the last 2 years (average of $4000 per month)
• Authorisation for freelance activity in UAE from MoHRE https://www.mohre.gov.ae/en/home.asp
There are 2 options to apply - online or in person via Amer https://amerdubai.ae/?ref=pronomad.ru .
Apply online:
1. Create an account on the GDRFA website https://www.gdrfad.gov.ae/en?ref=pronomad.ru . Choose Individuals
2. Choose https://www.gdrfad.gov.ae/en/services/2b2f69a8-408c-11ed-4fe5-0050569629e8?ref=pronomad.ru the applicable type of Green Visa
3. Click Start service
4. Choose New Applicant and find New Entry Permit for Green Residence in the list. Click Apply
5. Fill in the necessa
Strictly based on requirements
Processing time: normally, 2 to 3 months
30 years by naturalisation, can be faster by marriage or special merit.
• A green residence holder can be renewed for the same period if you meet the same requirements upon the expiry of your visa.
• You get longer flexible grace periods instead of the usual 30 days grace period. You and your family can apply for a new green visa in 90 days or up to six months
Green Visa application: 2,280 AED / 575 EUR, Emirates ID: 575 AED/145 EUR, Medical test: 320 AED/80 EUR
This type of residency allows the main applicant to be the visa sponsor for a spouse, children (sons up to 25 years, unmarried daughters without an age limit) and a first-line relative. Family members receive the same 5-year residency permit as the main applicant.
Green Visa Infographic: https://twitter.com/UAEmediaoffice/status/1516045606317445120/photo/1
Taxes: https://www.professionallawyer.me/legal-articles/business/does-corporate-tax-apply-to-freelancers?utm_source=mondaq&utm_medium=syndication&utm_term=Tax&utm_content=articleoriginal&utm_campaign=article
Arabic is difficult to learn for the non-Arabic speakers but English is widely spoken.
White Card/Digital nomad
White Card: a residence permit whose holder is employed in a verified employment relationship in a country other than Hungary
or has an ownership share in a company with a verified profit in a country other than Hungary, and in both cases works or manages his/her company from Hungary using an advanced digital technology solution.
• You are a third-country national
• You work using advanced digital technology solution (computer, smartphone, Wifi, etc).
• Have an active contract
• Apply at the Hungarian consulate/embassy https://konzinfo.mfa.gov.hu/en/how-apply-visa in your country of origin or current residency.
• Book an appointment (where applicable), come with all documents in hand (or submit them electronically),
• Wait for your visa request to be approved
• Bring your passport to get a visa sticker.
• Enter Hungary within 30 days with this visa and apply for residency permit.
Residency permit:
After you have entered Hungary with a visa, apply for th
Strictly based on requirements
You might be asked to provide detailed supporting documentation regarding your employment - tax reports of your employer and various other reports proving that this company is operating and you are employed there.
Visa: 30 days, Residency permit: 1-3 hours.
This residency type does not lead to obtaining a passport.
1 year with the right of 1 year extension. You should not leave Hungary for more than 90 days and you should notify the authorities if you lose your employment.
Visa application: 110 EUR, visa extension via NDGAP: 78 EUR
Important: This residency type does not grant the right for family reunification.
1. All documents need to be translated into English or Hungarian
2. When applying for the visa, you may not need to show the proof of accommodation for the whole duration of your stay (1 year), 2-3 weeks of paid reservation via AirBnb or Booking might be sufficient.
Official requirements: http://www.bmbah.hu/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=1714&Itemid=2100&lang=en&ref=pronomad.ru#white_card
Hungary immigration support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/810889576434199
Very Difficult - Hungarian language is quite unique and is very hard to learn and understand. However, a lot of people speak English in touristic places.
Digital Nomad Visa
Croatian Digital Nomad Visa is a 1-year residency permit that allows the holder to stay in Croatia without the right to renew it.
Key aspects:
• Monthly income from €2540
• Residency permit for 1 year (visa for 30 days)
• No extension, so no permanent residency or passport conversion
• A new residency permit can be obtained only after a 6 months cool-off period (ie from the date the previous permit expired)
• Family reunion is possible
• Application for the residency permit is done online
Obtaining approval for the Digital Nomad visa online:
1. Scan all necessary documents
2. Go to the Croatian Ministry of Internal Affairs website https://digitalnomadscroatia.mup.hr/Pages/Zahtjev2?ref=pronomad.ru
4. Upload the documents:
• Travel document
• Health insurance
• Proof of purpose of stay — proof of remote work
• Means of subsistence —
• Excerpt from criminal records
• Address of accommodation
5. Send the request, receive the confirmation.
6. Wait for the police officer to r
Somewhat random
Visa: 3-4 weeks or up to 3 months depending on the Consulate/Embassy
Residency Permit: 30-60 days
Does not count towards passport or permanent residency
A new residency permit can be obtained only after a 6 months cool-off period (ie from the date the previous permit expired)
You can reunite with the immediate family - spouse, children, parents. Detailed requirements available here https://mup.gov.hr/gradjani-281562/moji-dokumenti-281563/stranci-333/drzavljani-trecih-zemalja/281820?ref=pronomad.ru .
1. If you reunite with your family and want to pursue a 5-year residency in Croatia, after a year you can “switch” with your partner who can apply to this visa, reuniting with you as a secondary applicant and then after the cool-off period repeat this again by becoming a digital nomad and reuniting with the family without breaking the residency continuity.
2. If you can enter Croatia on a tourist visa, you can apply for this residency directly inside the country.
3. No income tax for the 1 y
Official source and bank details for paying the fees: https://mup.gov.hr/aliens-281621/stay-and-work/temporary-stay-of-digital-nomads/286833?
Embassies of Croatia: https://mvep.gov.hr/diplomatske-misije-i-konzularni-uredi/veleposlanstva-rh-u-svijetu/22966?
Police departments in Croatia: https://policija.gov.hr/policijske-uprave/104?
Making an online appointment to the police: https://redomat.mup.hr/?
Long-term accommodation in Croatia: https://www.njuskalo.hr/?
Quite difficult - Croatian is a Slavik language that might be easier to pick up if you already speak other Slavic languages but the level of spoken English in the country is very high.
Digital Nomad Visa
Individuals from non-EU https://visaguide.world/europe/eu/# and non-EEA https://visaguide.world/europe/eea/ countries are eligible to apply for the Cyprus digital nomad visa. These individuals need to:
• Work remotely through telecommunication technology
• Be employed in a company registered abroad, and they can work independently somewhere else or be self-employed, offering services to clients abroad
• Have a sufficient monthly income of at least €3,500.
Important: You can apply directly for
The application process includes the following steps:
1. Compile the necessary documents. Make sure to have your documents ready before travelling to Cyprus. The list of the documents is under “Requirements for Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa”.
2. Enter the Republic of Cyprus. Depending on your nationality, you may need a Cyprus tourist visa https://visaguide.world/europe/cyprus-visa/short-stay/ . Applicants that are already in Cyprus can only continue with the next steps.
3. Complete the application
Strictly based on requirements
Residency permit - 5-7 weeks.
Counted towards passport, overall takes 7 years to obtain it via naturalisation
The visa fees include the following:
• Issuance or renewal of a temporary residence permit – €70
• Registration to the Aliens’ Registry (only in cases of initial registration) – €70
Digital Nomad's family members can reside in Cyprus for the same period as the Digital Nomad, without the right to be employed of perform any economic activity
Paying Taxes as a Digital Nomad in Cyprus
As a digital nomad in Cyprus, you will be free from tax charges until your 183rd day of stay. After the 183rd day, you are considered a tax resident, and then taxes are imposed.
The Republic of Cyprus has one of the most pleasing tax systems in Europe. Personal income tax in Cyprus is imposed on individuals who are tax residents. Those who are not tax residents are taxed only when their income derives from Cyprus.
The personal income tax rate i
Overview of the visa: https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/digital-nomad-visa/cyprus/
Not difficult, English is widely spoken
Startup Visa
Italia Startup Visa focuses on the issue of entry visas, Italia Startup Hub targets the procedure of residence permit conversion. Non-EU nationals residing in Italy who aim to extend their stay to set up an innovative startup can convert their residence permit – obtained for study purposes, for example – into a self-employment type. Hence, there is no need for them to leave the
Italian territory, and they can also leverage a special procedure that is digitalised, centralised, and sped-up.
- Dig
Two main streams: directly through the Ministry of Economic Development and through certified incubator.
Through the Ministry:
1. Send the application, including the pitch deck to italiastartupvisa@mise.gov.it
2. Wait 30 days and obtain Nulla Osta ISV https://italiastartupvisa.mise.gov.it/media/documents/Modello%20Nulla%20Osta%20Italia%20Startup%20Visa%20(candidatura%20diretta).pdf , including provisional police certificate of no impediment for entry purposes
3. Go to the Embassy or Consulate
somewhat random
There is a major interest in the projects related to AgroTech, Energy, DeepTech, UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), renewables, etc. The Startup committee currently is not favouring marketplaces and other B2B solutions
20-40 days for a visa, 2-4 weeks for a residency permit
10 years: After 5 years of residency and 5 years of permanent residency with passport processing taking between 6 months to 1.5 years.
1 year residence that can be renewed to a 2-year residency. If you resided in Italy on a different residency permit, you can apply to the startup residency without leaving the country. However, if you resided in a different EU country, obtaining a residency permit can be subject to availability of startup slots in the program.
121 EUR for the entry visa, 96 EUR for the residency permit
Reunification process
One of the common scams is that a foreigner needs to have an Italian citizen as a founding partner of the company in Italy - this is not true, a foreign national can open a startup company in Italy without an Italian national in its managing board.
If you don’t have your own funds of 50,000 EUR, a letter of intent from potential investor (who can be a friend or a business of a friend) can be accepted instead of showing this amount on your personal account. The letter needs to say something like: “this startup is great, I will probably invest in it”.
Right now, the requirements have become more random and the approval rates are much lower.
In particular, there are the following requirements for the bank statements, which very few banks i
2000 -3500 EUR, depending on location https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Italy
Official guide: https://italiastartupvisa.mise.gov.it/media/documents/ISH%20Guidelines%2005_2019%20final.pdfhttps://italiastartupvisa.mise.gov.it/media/documents/Guidelines%20ISV%20ENG%2020_03_2018%20def.pdf
Official source: https://italiastartupvisa.mise.gov.it/#ISHhome
Relatively easy - Italian is not a difficult language to learn and the locals are very supportive. English is not widely spoken outside of the tourist destinations.
Lavoro Autonomo
The Visto per Lavoro Autonomo is a self-employment visa that allows entry into Italy for the purposes of working as a self-employed individual. This visa is issued for both short and long-term stay durations and does not entitle you the right to work for an Italian employer.
Who can get this visa
This visa has a quota of 500 foreign nationals coming to Italy for self-employment - updated annually. However, some professionals in these categories can obtain the visa outside this quota:
• Top m
Applying for the Visto per Lavoro Autonomo
IMPORTANT: A limited number of visas are issued each year for the self-employment visa in Italy. This quota reserved for self-employed individuals are redetermined on an annual basis by the “Flows decree” or Decreto Flussi, which is published each year and defines entry quotas for immigration of non-EU nationals, as well as requisites for entry and application procedures.
For this reason, it is not possible to apply for a self-employment visa year roun
Somewhat random
Strictly based on requirements
20-40 days for a visa, 2-4 weeks for a residency permit
10 years: After 5 years of residency and 5 years of permanent residency with passport processing taking between 6 months to 1.5 years.
2-year residency. If you resided in Italy on a different residency permit, you can apply to this residency without leaving the country. However, if you resided in a different EU country, obtaining a residency permit can be subject to availability of quotas.
116 EUR for the entry visa, 96 EUR for the residency permit
2000 -3500 EUR, depending on location https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Italy
Official guide: https://italiastartupvisa.mise.gov.it/media/documents/ISH%20Guidelines%2005_2019%20final.pdf
Official source: https://italiastartupvisa.mise.gov.it/#ISHhome
Relatively easy - Italian is not a difficult language to learn and the locals are very supportive. English is not widely spoken outside of the tourist destinations.
Digital Nomad
The Greece Digital Nomad Visa (DNV) is a travel authorization document that allows remote workers to live and work in Greece. The Greece Digital Nomad Visa is also considered a Digital Visa.
Other common names for the Greece Digital Nomad Visa include:
• The Greece Remote Work Visa,
• The Greece Nomad Visa
• The Greece Nomadic Visa
• The Greece Digital Nomad Residence Permit
This type of visa is commonly referred to as the Greek Digital Nomad Visa (DNV) or Greece Remote Work Visa.
In Septem
With a visa:
1. Gather documents
2. Apply for a visa
3. Wait for approval
4. Pick up your visa
5. Come to Greece
If you are already in Greece or don’t need a visa to enter, apply straight to the residency permit but consult with the Ministry of Migration directly at Info.rp@migration.gov.gr
somewhat random
See top tips
Visa: 10 days for approval/ 30 days for issuing the visa,
Residence permit: up to 7 months (you can stay in Greece legally while your application is being processed)
Permanent residency: 5 years in temporary residence, Passport: 7 uninterrupted years of residing in Greece.
If you are absent from Greece for more than 6 months, your DNV will be canceled.
It is possible for any dependents to apply for a residency permit when you apply for your DNV. However, the minimum amount increases per dependent that travel with you.
Financial increases for dependents are as follow:
• 20% for your partner/spouse
• 15% per child
Accommodation - finding a long-term accommodation while outside the country is risky, so you can use services like Flatio for the proof of contract and then find a longer-term contract once you are in Greece.
1. To apply for the digital nomad residence permit when you’re already in Greece, you can contact the Ministry of Migration directly at Info.rp@migration.gov.gr or call +30 213-162-9027 or soon apply online here - https://portal.immigration.gov.gr/electronic-applications/index?lang=en
2. All documents need to be translated to Greek by a certified translator.
3. A Declaration Letter
This will be the most important document of your DNV application.
You need to state that you plan to apply for th
2000 -3500 EUR, depending on location https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Greece
Official website: https://www.mfa.gr/russia/ru/visas.html?mission=mow&lang=extra1https://nomadsgreece.com/
@Facebook - Digital Nomads in Greece, Greece Digital Nomads
Greek is quite difficult to learn and speak, however, English is widely spoken.
Digital Nomad
Digital Nomad Visa/Residency has been introduced in the end of 2021 but final details are still coming into shape. While Montenegro accepts applications for digital nomad residency permits inside Montenegro, it has still not been widely announced.
Please also note that Montenegro is not (yet as of June 2023) an EU country so a residency there will not grant freedom of movement across the EU.
National Visa for Digital Nomads (if the visa is needed for entry into Montenegro):
• stay up to 180 d
Apply for the DN residency permit directly in the country in the police office of the city where you reside (MUP) https://www.gov.me/mup?ref=pronomad.ru . All documents need to be translated into Montenegrin by a court translator (find here https://wapi.gov.me/download-preview/75428871-b96f-4536-9d94-82a474f9c2e2?version=1.0&ref=pronomad.ru )
1. Arrive in Montenegro and register at the tourist establishment or at a municipality (opstin)
2. Go to MUP (best in Kotor or Herzeg-Novi)
3. Submi
Strictly based on requirements
Montenegro does not accept electronic documents and electronic signatures - only the “wet” stamps and seals and original signatures.
For some countries (like Russia but not Belarus), an apostile is not required.
Residency permit: According to the law, not over 40 days, in practice - can be up to 60-70 days.
5 years to permanent residency (not possible for DN) + 5 years as a permanent resident
Cannot leave Montenegro for more than 30 days within the residence permit validity. Cannot convert into permanent residency (due to the 6-month gap requirement).
67 EUR
Family has to go through the process of family reunification https://www.gov.me/en/article/temporary-residence?ref=pronomad.ru
• Additional +€310 per month per family member or 3650 EUR on the preferably local bank account
• Main applicant has a DN residency permit
• Clean criminal record certificate
• Marriage certificate
• Birth certificates for children (if applicable)
• Rental contract
• “White carton” - proof of tourist registration
• Bank statement or work contract of t
Opening bank accounts is difficult in Montenegro so lots of scammers offer “assistance”. Also there are the regular scams with the rental properties and agreements.
1. As this residency permit is still new, you can request the complete required documents list from the MUP directly once you are in the country
2. When you are applying, the best MUPs are in Kotor and Herzog-Novi and be prepared to wait in a line.
3. If you still want to obtain the Montenegro permanent residency without the DN limitation, by the end of the second residency permit, make a request for a different residency article - that way you will have a chance of achieving 5 years of temp
From 1800-3000 EUR depending on location and season. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Montenegro
Law on Digital Nomads - https://www.gov.me/en/documents/e8ac34ee-953a-457c-944a-f9568b1aab65?
Personal experience (in Russian): https://journal.tinkoff.ru/nomad-visa-montenegro/
Quite difficult if native language is outside the Slavic group, English is not common outside tourist areas.
Self-employed Residence Permit
General Requirements:
• a valid passport or other travel document.
• fill in an Appendix Antecedents Certificate and enclose it with the application. In this certificate you indicate whether you have ever committed an offence or crime: Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 https://ind.nl/en/forms/7601.pdf
• After you arrive in the Netherlands, you must take a TB (tuberculosis) test.
You do not need to take a TB test in these situations:
◦ You have the nationality of a country listed in
You apply for the MVV and the residence permit at the same time at the Dutch representation (embassy or consulate) abroad.
Make appointment at Dutch embassy or consulate
Before you can apply for the MVV and the residence permit, you must make an appointment at the Dutch embassy or consulate https://www.netherlandsworldwide.nl/contact in your country of origin or country of residence.
The country of origin is the country of which you have the nationality. The country of residence is the countr
The IND must take a decision within 90 days. The IND can extend the decision period by a maximum of 6 months if the request is made to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).
The decision period can be extended if it takes longer to decide.
For example, because the application is not complete. In that case, the IND will send a message.
Foreign citizens can apply for Dutch citizenship if they have lived in the Netherlands legally for at least 5 years. The decision-making process takes maximum 12 months.
You can apply for a permanent residence permit https://ind.nl/en/extend-stay/permanent-residency/permanent-residence-permit after holding a residency permit for 5 consecutive years
EUR 350
Your family members or relatives are allowed to work in the Netherlands without a work permit (TWV). It says on their residence permit ‘work allowed on a self-employed basis, free to work, no work permit required’ (in Dutch: arbeid als zelfstandige toegestaan, arbeid vrij toegestaan, TWV niet vereist).
Official documents from abroad need to be legalised and translated https://ind.nl/en/translation-and-legalisation-of-documents into Dutch, English, French or German.
EUR 3,000-6,000 depending on the location, https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Netherlands
Application form https://ind.nl/en/forms/9531.pdf
Official guide: https://ind.nl/en/residence-permits/work/residence-permit-self-employed-person
Quite difficult but English is widely spoken.
Not great
General Requirements:
• a valid passport or other travel document.
• fill in an Appendix Antecedents Certificate and enclose it with the application. In this certificate you indicate whether you have ever committed an offence or crime: Appendix Antecedents Certificate 7601 https://ind.nl/en/forms/7601.pdf
• After you arrive in the Netherlands, you must take a TB (tuberculosis) test.
You do not need to take a TB test in these situations:
◦ You have the nationality of a country listed in
You apply for the MVV and the residence permit at the same time at the Dutch representation (embassy or consulate) abroad.
Make appointment at Dutch embassy or consulate
Before you can apply for the MVV and the residence permit, you must make an appointment at the Dutch embassy or consulate https://www.netherlandsworldwide.nl/contact in your country of origin or country of residence.
The country of origin is the country of which you have the nationality. The country of residence is the count
The IND must take a decision within 90 days. The IND can extend the decision period by a maximum of 6 months if the request is made to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).
The decision period can be extended if it takes longer to decide.
For example, because the application is not complete. In that case, the IND will send a message.
Foreign citizens can apply for Dutch citizenship if they have lived in the Netherlands legally for at least 5 years. The decision-making process takes maximum 12 months.
You can apply for a permanent residence permit https://ind.nl/en/extend-stay/permanent-residency/permanent-residence-permit after holding a residency permit for 5 consecutive years
EUR 350
Your family members or relatives are allowed to work in the Netherlands without a work permit (TWV). It says on their residence permit ‘work allowed on a self-employed basis, free to work, no work permit required’ (in Dutch: arbeid als zelfstandige toegestaan, arbeid vrij toegestaan, TWV niet vereist).
official documents from abroad need to be legalised and translated https://ind.nl/en/translation-and-legalisation-of-documents into Dutch, English, French or German.
EUR 3,000-6,000 depending on the location, https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Netherlands
Application form https://ind.nl/en/forms/9531.pdf
Official guide: https://ind.nl/en/residence-permits/work/start-up#requirements
Quite difficult but English is widely spoken.
Not great
Self-employed Visa
Similar to @Czechia 🇨🇿, requires obtaining a trade licence.
To be self-employed in Slovakia you must:
• obtain temporary residence for the purpose of business;
• satisfy all other conditions stipulated by relevant Laws (e.g. obtain a trade license).
If you want to do be self-employed based on a trade license and do not have permanent residence in an EU/OECD member state, you must also apply for entry in the Commercial Register.
If you are subject to visa requirements, you might also need to o
• Submit a temporary residence permit application and attend the interview at the Slovakian embassy or consulate
• Register with the local police in person or by post within three days of arriving.
• Submit your biometrics to the ‘Foreign Police’.
• Collect your temporary residence permit from the ‘Foreign Police’.
• Sign up for health insurance within three days after you get the temporary residence permit card.
• Complete a medical exam and provide a medical report to the ‘Foreign Police’.
Hard to say
4 months for a visa/residency permit
5 years to permanent residency, 5-8 years of residency to passport overall.
You must reside in the territory of Slovakia for more than half of the length of the granted temporary residence in a calendar year.
Temporary residence may be renewed repeatedly. Temporary residence for the purpose of business may be renewed for a maximum period of three years.
If you want to apply for renewal of temporary residence, you must do so in person at the competent Foreign Police Department no later than the last day of validity of the temporary residence. The temporary residence is
The fee for applying for a temporary residence for the purpose of business is EUR 232 (if the application is submitted at the Foreign Police Department) or EUR 240 (if the application is submitted at the Slovak embassy) + administrative fee EUR 4.50 (for issuing a residence document).
If you hold a temporary residence for the purpose of Business in Slovakia and would like your family members to join you, they may apply for temporary residence for the purpose of family reunification.
Family members include your spouse of at least 18 years of age, your and your spouse’s unmarried children younger than 18 years of age, your unmarried children younger than 18 years of age, unmarried children of your spouse younger than 18 years of age, your dependent unmarried children older tha
Obtaining a trade licence - can be done online, without Slovak ID.
Setting up a trade licence:
When you are setting up a trade, Slovak authorities need you to appoint a Slovak person (with permanent address or registered office in SR) who will be authorized to receive official postal consignments in Slovakia if it is impossible to deliver them to the entrepreneur.
This obligation is usually a formality and it is intended e.g. in cases where the tax authority is unable to deliver its documents to the foreigner directly. If you have no such person, you may cho
1200-2500 EUR depending on location. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Slovakia
Official EU guide: https://immigration-portal.ec.europa.eu/slovakia-self-employed-worker_en
Can be difficult if your native language falls outside the Slavic family, English is spoken mostly in tourist destinations.
Czech Long Term Business Visa (Zivno)
Trade License Freelance Visa allows foreigners to move to the Czech Republic and to work as contractors/freelancers or run their own business.
It’s not possible to apply directly in the country, you will need to get a visa at the Embassy or Consulate first.
Important: you can only apply for the visa at your country of origin or in the country where you hold long-term or permanent residence.
Requirements for a Candidate
An applicant must be a non-EU citizen moving to the Czech Republic in ord
Step 1. Choose a Czech Embassy, check its availability.
Step 2. Gather all the required documents.
Step 3. Prepare for the interview.
Interview is in the form of conversation with the officer at the Embassy.
Step 4. Pass the interview and submit your application.
Step 5. Wait for approval.
Step 6. Collect your visa at the Embassy.
Czech private health insurance will be needed for that.
Step 7. Activate your trade licence - get registered for paying income tax, social security (and public health
Strictly based on requirements
Very subjective
For a visa: 90-120 days, register at the local police within 3 days of arrival to Czechia to obtain a residency permit
To get Czech passport by naturalization, you must first live in the country for up to a year on a national D visa, then from four to five years with a residence permit status and five years with a permanent residence status. You can apply for citizenship after 10 years of permanent residence in the country.
Residency permit for a year, can be converted to another residency permit type: for the purposes of employment, study, scientific research, family unification, intra-company transfer, investment, and for residents of other EU Member States.
EUR 102 for the visa application, EUR 40 for trade license,
Family reunification process
– your lease agreement must be signed by the real owner of your flat
– the flat must be listed as a flat (sometimes they are listed as business space, etc. to reduce cost when building it)
– the duration of your lease agreement will determine the validity of your visa
– your criminal check must be apostilled/superlegalized before you can use it in the Czech republic
– all documents must be originals (not scans, no copies, etc.)
– all documents must be in Czech/officially translated into Czech
1500-2700 EUR depending on location, https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Czech+Republic
Official requirements: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/information_for_aliens/long_stay_visa/entrepreneurship.html
Quite difficult for non-Slavic speakers, English might not be spoken outside the tourist destinations
Poland Business Harbour
“Poland. Business Harbour ” is a package of solutions dedicated to specialists in the modern technology industry who are considering the possibility of transferring their business to Poland, establishing a start-up related to the IT industry in Poland or planning to take up employment in this industry in Poland.
The Poland Business Harbour is the Polish Government’s programme supporting entrepreneurs working in the ICT sector from the following countries:
• Ukraine
• Belarus
• Moldova
• Georgia
1. Make a visa appointment at the convenient embassy/consulate of Poland - https://secure.e-konsulat.gov.pl/placowki/137
2. Come to the appointment, submit the application and documents.
3. Wait for the decision
4. Come to Poland
Strictly based on requirements
Hard to say
2-5 weeks depending on location
5 years to permanent residency+2 years of permanent residency
Visa: 1 year that can be converted to Blue card (3 year permit) if the salary is minimum 2000 EUR per month.
Application for the visa is free at the embassy and is 11 EUR at the visa center.
Residence permit 77 EUR
The family is relocated together with the main applicant and gets a visa with the BPH notice. This type of visa allows working in Poland without the need to obtain a work permit, the spouse can also register as a private entrepreneur (sole trader).
Recently, there have been signals about fraudsters who provide visa acquisition services for a fee under the Poland Business Harbor Program, often also to people without IT skills.
• When applying to the Poland Business Harbor Program, you don’t incur any costs, apart from medical insurance
• One of the recruitment elements is an interview verifying IT competences by the Polish consulate
Before applying to the Program contact pbh@paih.gov.pl
If you want to enjoy the benefits of being employed by Business Incubator, you will have to issue B2B invoices for your work on behalf of the Incubator to your employer. You can then be paid by the Incubator based on civil contracts, so-called copyright transfers, which will reduce the tax rate by 50%.
It is only possible for people doing work that can be copyrighted, e.g. parts of IT code that can be considered as the author’s work.
The discount is valid up to the amount of PLN 85,528 per y
1500-3000 EUR depending on location https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Polandhttps://www.gov.pl/web/poland-businessharbour-ruhttps://www.gov.pl/web/poland-businessharbour-en/startup
Difficult if you native language is outside the Slavic group. English is not very common outside tourist areas.
Not great
Residence permit for a start-up entrepreneur (Startup Visa)
Apply for a residence permit with this application if you intend to come to Finland as a start-up entrepreneur. You are a start-up entrepreneur if you own a recently founded company that aims for growth or are about to establish a start-up company.
You must obtain a positive Eligibility Statement from Business Finland https://www.businessfinland.fi/en/do-business-with-finland/startup-in-finland/startup-permit before you can apply for this permit. Apply for an Eligibility Statement in Enter Fi
1. Fill in the application
2. Pay for your application
3. Visit an Embassy or a service point to prove your identity
• If you are abroad, book an appointment at a Finnish missionLink to an external website (embassy or consulate) https://finlandabroad.fi/frontpage .
• If you are in Finland, book an appointment at a service point of the Finnish Immigration ServiceLink to an external website https://migri.vihta.com/ .
When you apply for an extended permit, you may avoid the need to visit a service
Strictly based on requirements
Hard to say
Might be predisposed against certain nations that may predetermine the decision on the application.
1-2 months, depending on location.
4 years if passed the language exam and 5 years after continious residency.
Residency permit: up to 2 years, can be renewed.
You cannot leave Finland for more than a year.
If you hold a residence permit B (temporary permit) on the basis of employment or entrepreneurship, you will be issued a residence permit A (continuous permit) after two years of continuous residence in Finland, provided you still meet the residence conditions. A residence permit A is granted for a maximum duration of four years and can be renewed.
• Electronic application fee
First permit 350 € / extended permit 160 €
• Paper application fee
First permit 480 € / extended permit 430 €
If you apply for a residence permit via the fast-track service and your family applies at the same time, you can get a residence permit in two weeks.
@Startup Finland Guide to Application https://immi-lab.notion.site/Startup-Finland-Guide-to-Application-f1dc0ebc43954ce792b025a8b995e593?pvs=24
Make sure you have all documents you need before starting the application
You can follow the processing of your application with the help of the chatbot, Kamu https://migri.fi/en/chat1 , by giving Kamu the diary number of your application. Kamu will also tell you the expected processing time of your application.
2000-4000 EUR depending on location https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Finland
@Startup Finland Guide to Application https://immi-lab.notion.site/Startup-Finland-Guide-to-Application-f1dc0ebc43954ce792b025a8b995e593?pvs=24
Very difficult but English is widely spoken even outside tourist destinations.
Not great
Self-employed Worker
If you intend to start your own business or become a (part) owner of a company for more than three months, you must apply for a residence permit.
You do not need a work permit.
Important: If you get a residence permit as a self-employed person, you only have the right to work with your own company and you are not allowed to take up employment elsewhere.
You can apply online in the country you are living in https://adfse.migrationsverket.se/adfs/ls/?SAMLRequest=hZJbT4NAEIX%2FCtn3skClpJtCgm2MT
1. Apply for the residency permit
2. Check your application
You can check that your application has been registered with the Swedish Migration Agency or if you have received a decision on the page Check your application https://www.migrationsverket.se/English/Contact-us/Check-your-application-without-logging-in.html .
3. You must show your passport
The Swedish Migration Agency must check your passport before a decision can be made. You may therefore need to show your passport at a Swedish e
Strictly based on requirements
5 years of residency
Once you have had a residence permit for two years, you can get a permanent residence permit if you meet both the requirements for an extension of the residence permit as a self-employed person and the requirements for a permanent residence permit.
189 EUR for residency permit
Your family members may be granted residence permits for the same period as your residence permit.
Family members include:
• your husband/wife or common law spouse;
• your children under 18 years or those of your husband/wife or common law spouse. If you have children who are 18 or older, they must be dependent on you or your husband/wife or common law spouse, for support.
If you have the right to work for more than six months, family members may also be granted work permits.
Fees for family
If you have permission to study in Sweden and would like to apply for a residence permit as a self-employed person without leaving the country, you must submit the application before your residence permit for studies expires.
You must submit a study certificate showing that you have completed at least 30 credits or at least one term of postgraduate education in Sweden.
2000-4000 EUR depending on location https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Sweden
Not easy (easier if you already speak German) but English level is excellent everywhere.
Not great
Jobseeker/Startup Visa
If you have completed studies corresponding to an advanced level degree, you can obtain a residence permit to come to Sweden and look for work or explore the possibilities for starting your own business.
The permit may be granted for a minimum of three months and for no more than nine months. During the period that you have this residence permit, your family cannot move to Sweden to live with you.
If you get a job in Sweden or start your own business
If you get a job in Sweden during the perm
1. Apply for the residency permit
2. Check your application
You can check that your application has been registered with the Swedish Migration Agency or if you have received a decision on the page Check your application https://www.migrationsverket.se/English/Contact-us/Check-your-application-without-logging-in.html .
3. You must show your passport
The Swedish Migration Agency must check your passport before a decision can be made. You may therefore need to show your passport at a Swedish e
Strictly based on requirements
5 years of residency
The permit may be granted for a minimum of three months and for no more than nine months.
189 EUR for residency permit
No reunification possible
What counts as an advanced level degree?
For a degree to count as advanced level, it must correspond to a 60-credit Master’s degree, a 120-credit Master's degree, a professional degree worth 60-330 credits, or a postgraduate/PhD-level degree.
In your application, you must enclose a letter of consent that gives the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) the right to contact higher education institutions in your home country to verify your educational documents. The Swedish Migration Agency t
2000-4000 EUR depending on location https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Sweden
Not easy (easier if you already speak German) but English level is excellent everywhere.
Not great
Startup Visa
Canada’s Start-up Visa Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada that:
• are innovative
• can create jobs for Canadians
• can compete on a global scale
Do you have an innovative business idea? If you can get support for your idea from one of the designated organizations https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/start-visa/designated-organizations.html , you may be able to immigrate to Canada.
You need to give your biometrics
In most cases, you now need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) after you apply.
Find out who needs to give biometrics https://ircc.canada.ca/english/visit/biometrics.asp and how the new application process works https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/start-visa/apply.html#biometric-process-pr .
How to apply
You need to apply online
As of October 14, 2022, it is now mandatory to apply online.
If you can’t
Hard to say
36 months
3 of the last 5 years as a permanent resident.
Your work permit allows you to work as an entrepreneur in the development of your business, as indicated on your Commitment Certificate https://www.canada.ca/en/services/immigration-citizenship/helpcentre/glossary.html#Commitment_certificate . It is not an open work permit.
Your work permit will only be valid for one year to allow you to begin working in Canada while your application for permanent residence (APR) is being processed. Most APRs will be processed within a year.
However, if you n
CAD 2 140 (1 492 EUR)
You can submit all applications for spouses and dependent children together with your work permit application
If you arrive in Canada with more than CAN$10,000 https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/ttd-vdd-eng.html , you must tell this to the CBSA officer. If you don’t, you could be fined and your funds could be seized.
These funds could be in the form of:
• cash
• securities that belong to you (for example, stocks, bonds, debentures, treasury bills)
• bankers’ drafts
• cheques
• travellers’ cheques
• money orders
What you can bring into Canada
Before you travel to Canada, see the CBSA website http
Depends on location, check out here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/prepare-life-canada/prepare-financially.html
Official detailed guide: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/start-visa/about.html
English and French are the national languages. If you are not proficient in French, choose the English-speaking province.
Not great
Working Holiday Visa
Global Talent Visa
With this visa, you can
• stay in Australia permanently
• work and study in Australia
• enrol in Australia's public health care scheme, Medicare
• sponsor your relatives to come to Australia
• travel to and from Australia for 5 years
• if eligible, apply for Australian citizenship https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/citizenship/become-a-citizen
Newly arrived residents may need to wait before they can access certain Australian Government payments and benefits.
You must
• either be in or outside Au
1. The Global Talent visa comprises two visa pathways:
• The Global Talent pathway https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/visas-for-innovation/global-talent-independent-program
• The Distinguished Talent pathway.
To apply for the Global Talent pathway https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/visas-for-innovation/global-talent-independent-program , you must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australi
Strictly based on requirements
Hard to say
• 25% of applications: 5 Months
• 50% of applications: 5 Months
• 75% of applications: 5 Months
• 90% of applications: 7 Months
Permanent residency for 5 years is issued with the visa, then you can apply for citizenship
To qualify for citizenship, you must be:
• living in Australia on a valid visa for the past 4 years
• a permanent resident for the past 12 months
• away from Australia for no more than 12 months in total in the past 4 years, including no more than 90 days in total in the past 12 months.
AUD 4,305.00
Receives the visa together with the main applicant
Fake letters of support
Mistakes on your application
if you made a mistake on your application, complete Form 1023 Notification of incorrect answer(s) (168KB PDF) https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/form-listing/forms/1023.pdf and attach it to your ImmiAccount.
Check your eligibility - https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/global-talent-visa-858#Eligibility
English is a national language
Self-employed Worker
If you intend to start your own business or become a (part) owner of a company for more than three months, you must apply for a residence permit.
You do not need a work permit.
Important: If you get a residence permit as a self-employed person, you only have the right to work with your own company and you are not allowed to take up employment elsewhere.
You can apply online https://adfse.migrationsverket.se/adfs/ls/?SAMLRequest=hZJbT4NAEIX%2FCtn3skClpJtCgm2MTaoSQR98MVymZSPs4s5S9N%2FLxUtNTH2e
1. Apply for the residency permit
2. Check your application
You can check that your application has been registered with the Swedish Migration Agency or if you have received a decision on the page Check your application https://www.migrationsverket.se/English/Contact-us/Check-your-application-without-logging-in.html.
3. You must show your passport
The Swedish Migration Agency must check your passport before a decision can be made. You may therefore need to show your passport at a Swedish embas
Strictly based on requirements
5 years of residency
Once you have had a residence permit for two years, you can get a permanent residence permit if you meet both the requirements for an extension of the residence permit as a self-employed person and the requirements for a permanent residence permit.
189 EUR for residency permit
Your family members may be granted residence permits for the same period as your residence permit.
Family members include:
• your husband/wife or common law spouse;
• your children under 18 years or those of your husband/wife or common law spouse. If you have children who are 18 or older, they must be dependent on you or your husband/wife or common law spouse, for support.
If you have the right to work for more than six months, family members may also be granted work permits.
Fees for family
If you have permission to study in Sweden and would like to apply for a residence permit as a self-employed person without leaving the country, you must submit the application before your residence permit for studies expires.
You must submit a study certificate showing that you have completed at least 30 credits or at least one term of postgraduate education in Sweden.
2000-4000 EUR depending on location https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Sweden
Not easy (easier if you already speak German) but English level is excellent everywhere.
Not great
Nomad Residence Permit
The Nomad Residence Permit enables holders to retain their current employment based in another country whilst legally residing in Malta. The Permit is open to individuals who can work remotely and independent of location, using telecommunications technologies.
Malta already hosts and welcomes digital nomads from the EU. This community of entrepreneurial expats make the most of Malta’s island vibes, a nomad lifestyle, business networking opportunities and cultural experiences.
The Nomad Reside
1. Gather Documents
2. Submit Application via email nomad.residencymalta@gov.mt together with supporting documentation and receive instructions for payment of €300 administrative fee for each applicant.
3. Application Review
If the application is successful, a Letter of Approval in Principle is issued, and one is required to submit proof of accommodation and a health insurance policy within 30 days from the date of issuance of the Letter of Approval in Principle.
Once the above is finalised, a
Strictly based on requirements
Important: Malta is not allowing any applications from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus as well as from Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Venezuela
Average of 30 working days for processing initial application, 30 days for submitting additional documents (health insurance, proof of accommodation) and 3-4 weeks for residency permit once in Malta.
Does not lead to long-term residency or citizenship
The residence permit is issued for 1 year with the possibility of extension.
The Permit maybe
renewed twice, for a total stay of a maximum of three (3) years at the discretion of Residency Malta Agency, subject to the applicant still being able to satisfy the programme criteria.
If you do not apply or qualify for a renewal or your application for renewal has been rejected, you can submit a fresh application 12 months after the expiry of the
preceding residence permit. In all cases the total te
300 EUR
Yes, application can be made together with the main applicant.
The following additional documents will be required from all applicants:
Marriage Certificate - in the case of spouse accompanying the Main Applicant, one copy of this certificate is sufficient.
De Facto Partnership – unmarried couples who have been in a stable and ongoing relationship for more than two consecutive years must give sufficient proof of such relationship. These may include:
• utility bills;
• lease agreements;
• ba
Forms are to be filled online and submitted to the Agency in PDF format.
Signatures are to be completed manually and signed in blue ink.
• Handwritten forms will not be accepted.
• In the case of minor dependants (under 18 years of age), Main Applicant is to sign the forms on their behalf.
• Bank statements must be the official version as issued by the bank, either downloaded directly in PDF format from the internet/web banking portals/ bank apps or scanned copies of officially stamped and si
2500-4000 EUR depending on location
Forms and guides - official website:
FAQ https://nomad.residencymalta.gov.mt/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Nomad-FAQs-Version-7.1.pdf
Taxes in Malta https://globalnomad.guide/what-taxes-do-digital-nomads-really-need-to-pay-in-malta/
Digital Nomads Malta - https://www.facebook.com/groups/maltadigitalnomads
Expats in Malta - https://www.facebook.com/groups/149963202930583
88% of the Maltese population speak English fluently. In Malta, English is the written form of legal documents.