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Hive Anonymous Feedback Form

At Hive, we deeply value the voices and perspectives of our community members. This anonymous feedback form is designed to provide you with a confidential platform to share your thoughts, concerns, or suggestions. We take every piece of feedback seriously and are committed to continuously improving our community. Our goal is to ensure that Hive remains a productive and safe space for as many people as possible. Your insights are crucial in helping us achieve this. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.

On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being "Not Concerned at All" and 10 being "Extremely Concerned," please indicate your level of concern regarding the issue mentioned. Your feedback will help us gauge the importance and urgency of this matter within our community.
How can we improve your experience within the Hive community?
We're always striving to make the Hive community better for everyone. Whether it's about our events, resources, communication, or a less than great interaction you had, please share your thoughts and suggestions. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us create a more inclusive and effective space for all members.
  • {name}

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