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2025 Food Vendor Application

Please review the food vendor guidelines and regulations on our website before applying. 2025 festival dates: June 27-29 Applications (along with $200 application fee) close on March 9 - selected vendors will be notified on or before April 4. Initial fees are due by May 9.

What name will be on your booth/truck/trailer sign?
IE: if your tax id name is different than DBA - or what's on your checks?
Have you been a food vendor at a previous Des Moines Arts Festival?
Are you affiliated with any National Food Vending Organizations?
IE: National Food Truck Association or National Independent Concessionaires Association?
Do you have State Fair experience?
IE: how many orders can you serve in one hour? The Festival sees an average of over 200,000 guests over three days so it's crucial food vendors are able to serve at that capacity.
What best describes your flavor?
  • American
  • Asian
  • Caribbean
  • Indian
  • Italian
  • Mediterranean
  • Mexican
  • Sweets & Treats
  • Other
Application Fee
I understand I'm required to submit a $200 application fee via check or credit card with my application (on or before March 9, 2025). If you are selected to vend at the 2025 festival, your application fee will go towards your space fee. If you are selected and cancel your participation at any time, the $200 fee is non-refundable. If you are not selected, your $200 application fee will be shredded (if paying by check) or refunded (if paying by credit card with fees subtracted) within 7-10 business days.
Select what type of vendor you will be.
Vendor Payment Category
We accept cash, company check, money order or transfer using CashApp ($dsmarts - Stephen King). If selected, first payment is due May 9. We do offer a split payment option with second payment due July 1. If you use a trailer to vend, include the trailer tongue in the full measurement of the trailer.
Do you need a grill space or additional storage space?
Fee: $500 (6x10 fenced in space)
I understand I will need to submit an electric payment prior to the festival.
If applicable (we understand some trucks run off solar - if so, payment is not required). The electric fee can be included in your overall payment - it does not need to be a separate check/payment. This is due with first payment by May 9.
Electric Order
  • Food Booth (3), 20 amp circuits: $90
  • Food Booth (6), 20 amp circuits: $180
  • Standard Food Truck/Trailer (50) amp RV connection: $180
  • Additional hook up for Food Truck/Trailer (3), 20 amp circuits: $90
  • Additional hook up for Food Truck/Trailer (6), 20 amp circuits: $180
Please list items that will need electricity in your booth. IE: blenders, rice cooker, etc. If not applicable, type NA. One can light will be provided in each booth (if using a tent provided by DMAF) by the Festival.
Do you need to rent weights from DMAF?
Weights are provided by Classic Events and will be delivered to your booth space.
Total = Booth Fee + Grill Space or Storage Space (if applicable) + Electrical Fee + Weights Fee (if applicable)
How will you being paying your booth fees?
I understand a separate clean up deposit check of $500 is due with initial payment on May 9. It is my responsibility to keep my space clean and sanitized.
This needs to be a separate check turned in on or before May 9. If your space is cleared with the Festival Food Vendor Team at check out on June 29, your check is shredded.
Please list 3 alternate items with menu prices and descriptions
  • {name}
If selected, the type of payment options I can accept are:
How can guests pay for their food/drink at your booth/truck? Note: DMAF beverage and merch booths are cashless. No ATMs are provided by the Festival.
*The vendor signing this form here by acknowledges they have read, understand and agree to all the 2025 Des Moines Arts Festival® Guidelines & Regulations, including the Health and Fire Department and the City of Des Moines requirements, and agrees to abide by the said Procedures and Rules if space is assigned to the participant. Vendor certifies that all information contained in this application is true and correct. The above named company, individual, or organization and all related individuals shall indemnify and hold harmless the Des Moines Arts Festival from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, liabilities, damages, losses, cost, and expenses (including attorney fees, court costs, and other professional fees) or judgments arising out of, or in connection with any claim, demand or action made by any third party, if such are sustained as a direct or indirect consequence of participation in the 2025 Des Moines Arts Festival in Western Gateway Park. Vendor fees are non-refundable due to a cancellation of the festival during the festival. In consideration of the benefits and privileges of serving as a vender at Des Moines Arts Festival, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, I agree to the following: 1. I do not know of any physical or mental condition which prevents me or my staff from safely performing my/our job; 2. ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK: I acknowledge and understand the risk of serious illness and death does exist by attending and/or participating in the event; I knowingly assume the risk of injury, harm or loss while acting as a vendor, including any injury, harm, or loss caused by negligence or conduct on the part of the Des Moines Arts Festival. This also includes all risks related to illness and infectious diseases, such as COVID-19 and any of its variants. 3. RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION: I hereby release, waive, and forever discharge the Des Moines Arts Festival and its Directors, Officers, Employees, and other agents from any an all liability for any damage or injury, including death, suffered by me in connection with attending and/or participating in the event, including but not limited to damages or injury caused by negligence of the Des Moines Arts Festival. Furthermore, any damages caused by me shall be my sole responsibility and I agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Des Moines Arts Festival from and against any and all resulting claims, actions or damages of whatsoever nature, whether caused by or contributed to in whole or in part by the negligence of the Des Moines Arts Festival or otherwise. This release and indemnification shall be binding on my heirs, successors, and personal representatives and inures to the benefit of the Des Moines Arts Festival, and its successors and assigns. Please type full name in box below.

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