The Curious Place Camp / Program Registration
The Curious Place Theatre is a Program of Spruce Peak Arts
What camp(s) are you registering for? *
- Winter Camp - Magic! Feb 26- March 1
- Spring Camp - Shakespeare (1/2 day) April 22-26
- Summer Camp- Taking the Plunge! July 15-19
- Summer Camp- Rainbow Connections! July 29- Aug 2
- TEEN Camp (12-17 yrs) "The SpongeBob Musical" Aug 5-9
- Summer Camp- Masked! Aug 19-23
- Afterschool Brookside Primary School
- Afterschool Stowe Parks & Rec Winnie the Pooh
- Afterschool Brookside Winnie the Pooh
Mailing Address *
- {name}
I give Spruce Peak Arts permission for emergency contact to pick up my child.
Please list below any adults who have permission to pick up your child:
- {name}
Does your child have any allergies, medications or special health needs? *
- {name}
Does your child have any behavioral needs or accommodations we need to be aware of? *
- {name}
Consent for Medical Care: In the event that my child become ill or injured during time at Spruce Peak Arts, I authorize staff to seek emergency care. *
I understand fully that even after responsible precautions have been taken, class activities may involve hazards for which Spruce Peak Arts cannot be held responsible.
Medical Insurance- Name of Carrier and Policy Number *
- {name}
I give Spruce Peak Arts permission to use a participant’s photograph or other media for display on the Spruce Peak Arts website or inclusion in Spruce Peak Arts publications. *
T-shirt size
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