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Faculty Mentored Undergraduate Research - Summer 2025 Application

Before applying please read the Call for Applications: Purpose: CELT supports Tulane’s mission and status as a research university by encouraging and supporting faculty mentored undergraduate research. This award is open to all schools, all disciplines, and all majors. We strongly encourage applications from the arts and liberal arts, as well as sciences and professional schools. Award: The Summer Award for Faculty Mentored Undergraduate Research provides up to $3000 for a student stipend. The award also covers up to $500 in student research related materials. Deadline: April 1, 11:59 pm CT Award Notification: Week of April 14 Student Eligibility: - Must be currently enrolled as a full-time student (at least 12 credit hours the semester before). - Must not receive any credit for this summer research project, however, information gathered during the summer may be used in the future for Honors Thesis. - Must be a rising sophomore, junior, or senior (4+1 students going into their 5th year are not eligible). - Must not have received a previous CELT grant for the same project. - Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Mentor Eligibility: - All full time faculty, including visiting professors - Adjunct faculty - Postdocs and PhD students, with letter of support from their PI/lead faculty mentor. Download the Budget Worksheet: QUESTIONS: Liv Newman,

Declared Major
Research Proposal
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Sources of Funding
Other Source of Funding-Description
If you indicated above "Other" to the question of "Sources of Funding" then identify and describe the source(s).
  • {name}
If you do not receive CELT funding will you still be able to participate in this research opportunity? If so, how?
  • {name}
I confirm I am not receiving any academic credit for this summer research project, however, information gathered during the summer may be used for a future Honors Thesis.
Mentor School
Mentorship Philosophy
This should be written by the faculty mentor.
Attach file
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Mentor Letter of Support for the Student Researcher
This should be written by the faculty mentor in support of the student researcher.
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Graduate Student Letter of Support
**Only necessary if the primary supervisor is a graduate student** This should be written by the faculty mentor.
Attach file
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For Faculty Mentor: In consultation with the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and the Office of Institutional Equity, we are collecting the following demographic information so we can track the extent to which we are serving the entire Tulane community. This data is not used in the grant review process. Thank you.
What is your gender? (Select one or more.)
  • Woman
  • Man
  • Trans
  • Nonbinary
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Prefer to self-describe
What is your race? Do you consider yourself...(Select one or more)
  • White
  • Black or African American
  • Asian
  • Latinx or Hispanic
  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Prefer to self-describe

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