Expression of Interest
Completion of this form is the first stage in applying for funding from Wild Animal Initiative.
Please enter your preferred name.
If you need to insert multiple email addresses, please separate them with a single comma ( , ).
Have you applied for a grant from WAI previously? *
This is just for our information, to associate your new application with any previous ones. We encourage repeat applicants.
- Yes
- No
Are you the principal investigator on this project? *
The principal investigator is expected to be the scientific leader of the project. We expect that for most projects the lead applicant will also be the principal investigator, but this is not required. For example, students may wish to be the lead applicant for a grant to support their project while listing their supervisor as principal investigator, or vice versa.
- Yes
- No
In what capacity would you be working on this project? *
- Principal investigator at a research institution
- Postdoctoral researcher
- Graduate student
- Undergraduate student
- Staff member at a non-profit organization
- Independent researcher
Please list the names of any additional colleagues or key personnel involved with the project and their affiliation(s), and briefly explain how they will support the project. *
You may enter N/A if there will be no others involved in the project. If you do not yet have specific collaborators lined up, but you do intend to form collaborations to support the project, please briefly describe your plans for finding collaborators and what expertise or capabilities you are looking for.
Are you applying to receive this grant as an individual, or via an institution? *
- Private individual
- Institution / organization
Please give your best estimate, bearing in mind that grant money will not be transferred before June 2024.
Please give your best estimate.
Please enter an approximate total in US Dollars, bearing in mind the budget limitations of the grant round you are applying to.
Which country or countries are you proposing to conduct project work in? *
This should include the country where you are normally resident, as well as any countries where you intend to do fieldwork.
Which species will your project focus on? *
Provide the scientific and common names for each species. If your project will not focus on any particular species, please briefly explain. As a reminder, we prioritize projects that are relevant to the welfare of as many individuals as possible.
Focal species conservation status *
If your project will focus on a single species, what is its IUCN-rated conservation status? You can search for your species here:
If your project focuses on multiple species, please select the status corresponding to the least endangered of your focal species. For example, if you are working on two species, one Least Concern and one Vulnerable, you should select Least Concern.
Selected theme *
Please identify the theme(s) your project seeks to address. More information is found in the CFP announcement (
- Welfare impacts of parasites and pathogens
- Validating indicators of affective valence
Please outline the main questions and objectives to be addressed by your project. *
You should define clearly testable hypotheses or objectives, and explain how they address the selected theme(s) and wild animal welfare more generally ( This is for us to understand the scope and subject area of your proposal. Your answer should require no more than 500 words.
Please list and briefly explain metrics that your project use to assess or quantify wild animal welfare. *
We expect projects that intend to empirically assess welfare to use indicators relating to multiple domains of animal welfare (e.g. physiology and behavior). Your answer should require no more than 300 words.
Why is your project a better fit for Wild Animal Initiative's grants program than it would be for other organizations that focus on pure science or conservation? *
As an organization with a very specific mission to promote research into wild animal welfare, we try to reserve our limited financial resources for projects that would be unlikely to obtain funding from mainstream scientific or conservation funders (e.g. NSF, NERC) due to their unique relevance to wild animal welfare. For example, if you have been able to secure some funding for parts of the work from conservation sources, but not the parts focusing on the subjective experiences of the individuals, that would be a piece of evidence for us that our supplemental funding for the welfare part would have a valuable impact. Your answer should require no more than 200 words.
Please briefly explain how you and/or any critical collaborators are qualified to take on this project. *
Your answer should require no more than 200 words.
- {name}
Where did you first hear about this call for proposals?
This helps us keep track of promising ways to share our future announcements.
Select an option
Demographics permission *
Would you be willing to provide some information about yourself in order to help us assess and improve the equitability of our grants program? This information will be kept separate from our review process, but will be used in the future to help us reach a more diverse pool of scientists.
- Yes, I'm happy to answer some demographic questions
- No, I prefer not to answer
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