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Code of Student Conduct
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Degree Audit
Gibson Online
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Privacy act (FERPA)
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TIDES (Tulane InterDisciplinary Experience Seminar)
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The period consisting of fall and spring semesters.
Tulane's many departments, offices, and organizations are often referred to using acronyms. If someone uses one while speaking with you and you don't know what it stands for, don't be afraid to ask for clarification. There are very few people here at Tulane that know what all of the acronyms stand for, so you are not alone in needing to ask what it stands for.
Exemption or credit awarded to beginning first-year students based on scores on the College Board Advanced Placement [AP] Tests.
To enroll in a course for no credit.
The process of adjusting student grades in order to ensure that a test or assignment has the proper distribution throughout the class (for example, only 20% of students receive As, 30% receive Bs, and so on), as well as a desired total average (for example, a C grade average for a given test).
A major requirement in certain programs, the capstone experience is designed by the student' s school or major department; the capstone typically applies information, skills and ideas from the major to one significant project.
Statement of norms for conduct in academic work. The Code also contains procedures for dealing with alleged academic dishonesty.
The regulations of behavior that prohibit unsatisfactory or disruptive conduct. Disciplinary action and sanction resides with the Office of Student Affairs.
The total number of semester hours for which a student is registered in one semester or summer term.
Program Integrity Rules issued by the U.S. Department of Education require institutions to establish a definition of "credit hour". This applies to all degree programs (including credit for full and part-time undergraduate, graduate, professional, post-baccalaureate, and online programs): 1). The assignment of credit-hours to a course occurs through a formal review process conducted at the appropriate levels of faculty governance. 2). For courses in lecture format, one credit-hour represents th
Courses designated in other local universities with which Tulane participates in a consortium.
A student's grade point average based on the total number of quality points earned and total number of semester hours attempted.
A program of courses required for a degree in a particular field of study.
The degree audit is an unofficial survey of progress toward a degree or certificate that reflects courses completed and currently in progress. It is not an official record or substitute for the transcript and is not an official notification of degree or certificate completion. The online degree audit is a valuable tool to track requirements and plan future coursework. The degree audit is based on published catalog requirements, and both completed and in-progress coursework.
The academic units of the university within colleges or schools; administered by chairs or directors.
Course chosen by the student, as opposed to a required course. The term "elective", without a qualifier, will be understood to be a free elective, chosen by the student at his or her option from all the courses offered by the university for degree credit, with due regard for prerequisites and subject to restrictions of the school or college in which the student is enrolled.
When used in a course prerequisite [e.g., "Prereq: SOCI 101 or equivalent"], this term means either credit in a comparable course, or equivalency to be determined by individual department.
A gateway to online services such as Registration, Grades, Degree Audit, myTulane, etc.
The typical status of a student who is not on academic probation and is eligible to continue in or return to the university.
A measure of scholastic performance; the ratio of quality points earned to semester hours attempted.
On-the-job work experience related to your career interests or current field of study. Internships can be paid or unpaid, take place during the summer or anytime during the academic calendar, and last anywhere from a single week to a full year. Internships are opportunities to learn what you like (or don't like) about a field of interest and to acquire experience to help build out your resume.
The procedure for transfer from one school or college within the university to another.
A program whereby a student may pursue two degree programs simultaneously.
An interruption in enrollment, approved by the student's Dean, which permits re-enrollment without an application for readmission.
The primary field of study; students will take the majority of their required courses in this area.
The state of being registered for credit and working toward a specific degree.
The student's field of secondary academic emphasis.
Stated minimum and maximum course loads for which approval must be obtained from the student's dean.
A program of study in preparation for entry into a professional degree program at another institution or another division of the University.
The preliminary requirement, usually credit in another course, that must be met before a course may be taken.
A specified period of time during a semester when a student may enroll in courses for the following semester.
The privacy of students' records and affairs is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended [P.L. 93-380], preventing the distribution of any information other than 'directory information' on a student.
Failure to meet the minimum semester requirements toward graduation for the fall or spring semester will result in being placed on academic probation. Academic deficiencies not corrected in the subsequent semester or in a summer term may be cause for dismissal from the University.
The progress toward the baccalaureate degree measured by credits and quality points at the close of each semester.
Numerical value assigned to each letter grade from A to F, when given as the final grade in a course; provides a basis for quantitative determination a grade point average.
The process by which a [duly admitted] student, upon payment of required tuition and fees, is enrolled in classes.
A list that students can add themselves to when a class they wish to register for is full with no open seats. 1). If a student who was already registered in the class drops, that seat is offered to the first student on the waitlist. 2). Waitlisting for a class does not guarantee enrollment in the class. 3). Not all classes offer waitlists. 4). Students can be on the waitlist for a maximum of three unique course numbers at the same time in a semester (and cannot at the same time be registered in
The period of time students are required to be enrolled for a designated number of courses or credits at Tulane University.
The academic units of the university that offer the university's academic programs, and are administered by deans. The degree anticipated determines the student' s choice of school or college.
The courses in which a student is enrolled.
Academic programs that allow students to study in other countries. They are available year round for a vast array of countries. There are usually additional costs to attend these programs, but scholarships and grants may be able to help cover these additional costs, like the Center for Academic Equity's Summer Grant Fund.
Satisfactory or unsatisfactory is elected as an irrevocable option (following the announced deadline) for a course in which a letter grade and quality points are not awarded, thereby not affecting the GPA.
The professor creates the syllabus for the course. On the syllabus, you will find what is expected for the course, along with assignments, exams, essays, office hours, and etc.
a one-credit seminar required for all first-year students.
A student who terminates enrollment in another university and subsequently enrolls in Tulane University.
Extensive nonattendance to class(es) requires formal withdrawal from: course(s), section(s), or the college/school, with appropriate approvals including that of the dean.
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