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Southend Emergency Fund Report Form

Use this form to report on your Southend Emergency Fund project. If you have any questions or would like assistance with the form, pelase contact You cannot save and return to this form we recommend copy and pasting the questions elsewhere if you want to take more time. If you would instead like to complete a Word Document version of the form, please visit the following page: More information about Southend Emergency Fund can be found on its website at:

Please include your email below so that we can send you a copy of your submitted report.
Which Fund are you reporting on?
Write a brief summary of what funding was used for, who it helped and what difference it made.
  • {name}
Please tell us how many people benefitted.
If you can, include additional informaiton about the different types of people that were supported. For example, 20 families of under 4s, or 60 older people. This might not be relevant for all of our funding pots.
  • {name}
Please include a story about the change people have experienced from this support.
  • {name}
Please upload an image or video of your project.
Please ensure that anyone featured has given their permission to be included. The Southend Emergency Fund may use these images and details about your project to promote your project or the Fund publicly.
Attach file
Drop files here
Media Attribution
Please include some details about your uploaded media. This can be either a short description about it's content or the names of the people featured. Where possible, we will use this as a caption wherever your media is used.
  • {name}

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form