SP3D Data Collection Application Form
Dear Colleague Welcome! We, as well as Dr Sarah Schoen, Dr Shelley Mulligan and the SP3D team at WPS, are delighted to have UK-wide ethical approval for the construct validity and reliability testing for the SP3D assessment and welcome you to the SP3D Data Collection Project. Ethical approval has been granted by Sheffield Hallam University, with reference ER52525206, and processes are in place at Sensory Integration Education and Sheffield Hallam University to ensure compliance as we run this project. You will be expected to follow these procedures throughout the project, and they are outlined below. First Steps: 1. Complete the form below and upload current information and evidence (dated screenshots are fine) of the following below: - Your name and place of work, contact details, and the clinical population with which you are working and when you expect to start data collection. - Your SI qualifications, which must be at PG Cert level or equivalent (University Certificate) - HCPC registration (take a screenshot of your online entry if you don’t have a letter from HCPC) - Professional Indemnity Insurance certificate/letter & proof of RCOT membership - DBS Certificate (within last 12 months) - Full First Aid or First Aid at Work certificate Once we have received and confirmed your information and evidence, Dr Sylvia Taylor-Goh will inform the SP3D team at WPS as well as Dr Sarah Schoen and Dr Shelley Mulligan, and you will be sent the contact details for the colleague at WPS who is managing the study. Next: 1. Contact WPS - they will generate your contract and specify the data you need to collect. Please note that you will need to obtain supporting documentation to confirm the diagnosis of the clinical cases. 2. You will be trained and engage in a reliability check by either Dr Sarah Schoen or Dr Shelley Mulligan which will reassure you regarding the process. 3. During the training process, the reliability checks will be completed electronically with either Dr Sarah Schoen or Dr Shelley Mulligan. 4. WPS will inform SIE what data you have been asked to collect and over what time period to enable us to manage the recruitment of Data Collectors. Data Collection phase: 1. Once you start data collection, it is essential that you send the completed and signed participant consent forms directly to Dr Sylvia Taylor-Goh at s.taylor-goh@shu.ac.uk for confidential storage on the Sheffield Hallam University drive. The Consent Form must include the Examiner ID and the Participant ID. Please do not send the Consent Form to WPS, as all data sent to them must be anonymised. 2. When you have recruited your pool of participants, please complete the Examiner ID and Participant ID Form and send it directly to Dr Sylvia Taylor-Goh at s.taylor-goh@shu.ac.uk for confidential storage on the Sheffield Hallam University drive. 3. All questions regarding the SP3D and the data collection process should be directed to Dr Sarah Schoen and WPS, respectively. 4. Copies of anonymised data collection documents, i.e. completed assessment forms, questionnaires etc., must be posted, not emailed, to WPS only when requested. This is to adhere to data-sharing policies. At the end of data collection: 1. All hard copies of the data you have collected must be sent to WPS, either during or at the end of data collection. WPS will let you know the timeframe. 2. Once WPS has received your hard copies, you must confidentially shred your copies. And shred your electronic copy of the Participant Consent Form. 3. You will then need to confirm that this has been completed by completing the Confirmation of Confidential Shredding document, which will be stored on the Sheffield Hallam University drive. Important Information for Adhering to Ethics - Children must be five years and older to take part in the study - Pregnant women cannot become a participant - Participants must not be recruited from the NHS - only those whom you only see clinically *outside* of the NHS are eligible for inclusion. e.g. privately, schools, day centres etc. - You must follow Lone Working Guidance as appropriate per your professional body guidance or by adhering to lone guidance recommended by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust https://www.suzylamplugh.org/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=046a0410-030a-4b90-89bb-a48bed7b07d7 If you have any questions about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@sensoryintegration.org.uk We trust that you really enjoy being involved in this study! With very best regards Sylvia Dr Sylvia Taylor-Goh, PhD, SI Adv Pract, Cert MRCSLT Director of Research Sensory Integration Education