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Medal Request Form

Please fill out the form below. These medals can be picked up at Closing Ceremony or by arranging a pick-up time at the CCC Office (after October 3rd, from K-Hub at The Kahanoff Centre for Charitable Activities). Note: This form excludes the following events: 5K & 10K Runs, Amazing Race, Mini Golf, OCR, & Rowing. These events do not allow substitutes and alternates and therefore additional medals will not be provided. Medals that cannot be given out on-site at events (Bowling, Mini Golf, Fortnite, OCR, Rocket League, Rowing) will be available at Closing Ceremony. Please do not request these medals, unless you require extras for alternates/substitutes. Requests made for additional medals (only for alternates/substitutes) after October 3rd will not be considered.

Select all events that apply. Note: Events that do not appear on this list are either: 1) Events that will already have medals packaged and ready at Closing Ceremony 2) Events that do not have alternates/substitutes and therefore do not apply for extra medals.
  • Badminton
  • Bocce
  • Bowling
  • Cornhole
  • Cribbage
  • Curling
  • Darts
  • Horseshoes
  • Laser Tag
  • Soccer
  • Spikeball
  • Table Tennis
  • Trivia
  • Truck Pull
  • Volleyball
Medal Type
Select all Medal Types that apply.
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bronze
# of Medals
The number of medals requested. If you are requesting medals for multiple events, please indicate the Event, Medal Type, and number of each in a list below:

Any additional comments

I understand that my extra medals will be available for pickup from Closing Ceremony or the CCC Office by someone from my company/a courier after October 3rd.

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