LILI's Teacher Contact Form and Teacher Agreement
All teachers that will be working with Live It Learn it must complete the Teacher Contact Form and the Teacher Agreement.
Prefix *
Homeroom Grade *
Please indicate if you are grade-level lead/chair. If you are not a HR teacher, you may indicate that as well.
We send text message reminders before sessions and to communicate during field experiences. Please share a phone number that can receive/send text messages.
(Start - End)
(Start - End)
(Start - End)
(Start - End)
Scheduling - Field Experiences *
Live It Learn It field experiences are typically scheduled in the morning (9:30 AM - 12:00 PM) or afternoon (12:15 PM - 2:45 PM).
Which session would typically work best for your class?
Select an option
In order for Live It Learn It to provide high-quality instruction and field experiences, I will:
1) Obtain parental permission in two forms (Live It Learn It student waiver and DCPS permission slip)
2) Ensure that a DCPS employee is with students at all times
3) Respond promptly to communications by phone and email; 4) Adhere to schedule and timing (e.g. aware of LILI visit, start and end programming on time, etc.);
5) Do my best to ensure LILI programming does not have conflicts (e.g. school events, testing, fire drills, etc.) and make any coordinating arrangements (e.g. inform special teachers of LILI trips, notify the cafeteria staff if students will be late to lunch, etc.)
6) Be actively engaged in the lessons, monitoring and supporting students during all portions of LILI programming; 7) Recruit adult chaperones, if needed, to ensure field experiences meet the DCPS requirement of one adult for every ten children.
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