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2022-23 OCU Non-Academic Enrollment Request Form

NOTE: Requests for non-academic (D2L only) enrollments must be made by the faculty member of record (or a Dean, Chair, or Director). This form is for D2L-only enrollments -- if the enrollment needs to also occur in Banner, please contact the Registrar's Office.

Your Name
Click "Add" and select your name from the list. If you do not see your name here, email, and request to have your name added to the "Enrollment Request Form"
Please summarize your request.
Person to be enrolled - D2L Username
Include as much information as possible (Full Name, B#, email address, etc.), as well as the USERNAME THE PERSON USES TO LOG INTO D2L, if possible. If this is a bulk enrollment, just write "see attached."
  • {name}
You must provide the complete D2L course ID (NURS123401_201810) - NOT the CRN # (Separate multiple course numbers with commas.)
In which semester is the course where the enrollment will take place?
Enrollment Permissions Requested
Co-Faculty: Faculty role. Not Instructor of record. Course Observation - Faculty: Lead Faculty, Chair, or Dean with course observation permissions Test Student Stuart (Impersonatable): Student role added to a course. Can impersonate this role and view course as a student. Student Audit: Student role for users who cannot be enrolled in multiple course sections. Student Incomplete: Student role for users who are completing coursework in an unenrolled course section in D2L. Department Course Manager: Faculty role with permissions to enroll users with the student role in that course section. Other: Role not listed here. (Please explain in description.)
Please provide as much additional information as possible about the enrollment request. What is the context? Has this person been enrolled in the course before?
  • {name}
Attachments (Optional)
If you are requesting a bulk enrollment, please attach an excel file containing the B#s of the individuals you need enrolled.
Attach file
Drop files here
Please type your email address in the box below. This will serve as your e-signature, indicating that you have authority to request this enrollment, and that you bear responsibility for the actions of the person being enrolled. If you are requesting this enrollment on behalf of someone else, use this box to explain the request in detail.
Claimed/Completed by

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form