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2024-25 - Rise Program Application - New and Returning Students

Please determine your eligibility for the Rise Program by filling out the form below. This form takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Your full, legal FIRST NAME
Do you prefer to use a different first name?
Remember to enter the correct year!
I am a...
If you previously applied but weren't matched to a tutor, you're still considered a New Student.
Select your Learning Preference(s)
Select all that apply.
  • In-Person at Caltech
  • Online
  • Off-Campus at John Muir High School
You can leave this blank if you don't have your own number.
Please provide a non-PUSD email if you have one.
Include your apartment number if applicable
Select all that apply. You have the option to "Prefer not to answer" or to write-in your own response if none of the other options apply.
  • Female
  • Male
  • Transgender Female
  • Transgender Male
  • Gender variant/Non-conforming
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Write In
Select all that apply. You have the option to "Prefer not to answer" or to write-in your own response if none of the other options apply.
  • American Indian/First Nation/Indigenous/Alaska Native
  • Asian/Asian-American
  • Black/African American/African
  • Hispanic/Latine*/Spanish
  • Middle Eastern/North African
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Write In
Current School You Attend
If you don't see your school, select "SCHOOL OTHER."
Your Current Grade
If it's Summer, enter the grade you'll be going into this Fall.
Days Preferred (Choose up to 2)
  • M
  • Tu
  • W
  • Th
Please list any possible schedule conflicts with the days you selected above.
Leave this blank if you can't think of any (right now).
  • {name}
Parent or Guardian Phone Type

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