
Lorem ipsum

We are excited to meet you.

We are constantly looking for the best startups in order to carry out proofs of concept together with our business areas and start working together. It would be a pleasure to meet you!🏵️

(Founder / CEO)
(Founder / CEO)
(Founder / CEO)
City, Country
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To which Desigual area of interest would your solution apply?
*Find out more details abouts the areas of interest in the Awesome Lab web
Brief details of the project/startup
(i.e: what core services your startup offers, market problem identified, vertical industry of your solution, opportunity space and value proposition )
  • {name}
Upload a video of yours:
We would love to get to know you as personal as possible. Please upload a short video explaining the value proposition of your startup (2-3min) if you feel comfortable. For us, it will be super helpful! *No professional video required. Film yourself in a simple way!
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Upload your presentation/demo file here:
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Do you work for the fashion sector?
Please indicate some examples.
  • {name}
What kind of technologies do you approach the project with?
  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning
  • VR/AR/XR
  • 3D Printing
  • Blockchain
  • Connectivity/IoT/IoMT
  • Drones/Robotics
  • Others: especify
Degree of Project Development
Describe how the integration of the solution would be done in Desigual
  • {name}
What do you expect from Desigual?
How did you find out about the call?
Do you think we should know something else about you, your project or your team?
  • {name}
Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy
I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions ( ) and the Privacy Policy.(
I accept that my data will be shared with the Program's collaborating companies to promote my participation, as regulated in the Terms and Conditions and in the Privacy Policy.
I accept to receive information from other Telefónica Open Innovation, SLU programs, as regulated in the Privacy Policy, which I have read and accept.

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