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Women AgriFoodTech Founders: Singapore 2024 Applications are Now Open

The Singapore International AgriFoodTech Week (SIAW) is the largest celebration of the Agriculture and Food industry in the Asia-Pacific region. The Women Founders and Funders event has become an annual fixture during SIAW, and brings together leading founders, investors, global industry leaders and government agencies together for an evening of networking and cocktails. We are now inviting applications from women founders for the 2024 event. If you or someone you know would like to be featured at the Singapore event in November please complete the below form by midnight (Singapore time) Sunday 15 September. The event will provide an opportunity to pitch, showcase the products and/or technology and contribute food products for the menu (must be able to provide food in Singapore for 150+ guests). Criteria (Required): - Currently raising Seed to Series A - Focus on sustainability, diversity and inclusion or other social impact areas Desirable: - Consumer product founders: able to provide food for 150 guests as part of the menu (must comply with the Singapore Food Agency Safety Regulations) Startup/Founder benefits: - 2-minute pitch at a dedicated women founders event in Singapore in front of a curated audience of 150+ investors, corporates, fellow founders and the wider agrifoodtech ecosystem - Display area to showcase your business - Opportunity to provide products to the menu that can be sampled by key decision-makers and investors in the ecosystem - Mentorship and pitch support from the experienced team producing the event - Networking with targeted audience to support the growth of your business - Marketing and social media inclusion Applications close: 15 September, 2024 (midnight SGT) Check out the FAQ for more details

100 words or less, may be used on collaterals
100 words or less
Stage of Business
Company Deck (PDF)
(Required if you'd like to be featured)
Attach file
Drop files here
(Required if you'd like to be featured)
Attach file
Drop files here
(Required if you'd like to be featured)
Pitch Video
please film horizontally, may be used on social media
Attach file
Drop files here
Recent Company Achievements
media coverage, grants, pilots, etc.

(Required if you'd like to be featured)
Attach file
Drop files here
How do you plan to use this opportunity to accelerate the growth of your business?
  • {name}
How can the AgriFood Tech ecosystem better support women founders?
  • {name}
Confirm you're able to attend our event in-person the evening of November 20th in Singapore
(Required if you'd like to be featured)
I understand all travel, accommodation and materials costs will be borne by me, the application.
If you are selected, as no travel fees, stipends or costs for products will be covered by organizers
Please consider me for a similar event in San Francisco, March 2025
For businesses available to the North American market or looking to launch/expand in that region in 2025
I'd like to receive news about other AgriFood Tech events like this

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