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New CBIT Project Intake Form

Have an idea? Want CBIT to help make it a reality? Please fill out the form below!

  • {name}
Full Name
  • {name}
  • {name}
Other modes of Contact
What's the best way to reach you?
  • {name}
Yale/YNHHS Department or Affiliation
Project Intake form must be filled out by a team member who has a Yale-affiliation
  • {name}
What medical need are you trying to address? What is your proposed solution?
  • {name}
Do you already have a team? If so, please list your other team members and their department or background.
Format as "Member Name (Last, First), Yale University Affiliation (or "None"), Undergraduate/Graduate Student/Faculty/Researcher/Professional/Other"
  • {name}
Project description
  • {name}
How can CBIT help? What do you need to move your project forward?
  • {name}

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