New Mentor
Please sign up as a mentor by providing the following details. Our team will review your info and will be in touch shortly. If approved, your contact details will also be visible to the participating startups on the platform.
Privacy Statement:
While registering to for IBM for Startups, you may have provided us with your email address and/or phone number. We will use this information only for the purposes of enabling your access and use of our application and related services.
Your personal information is yours and we are committed to protecting your privacy as an online visitor or user of our website. You may change your details at any time by advising us in writing via email at More information about our processing can be found in our Privacy Statement.
China and South Korea residents – I agree that my personal information may be transferred outside the country for the purpose stated above.
California residents – review our notice and your privacy choices.
Can your email address be visible to potential mentees
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