
Lorem ipsum

Talent Casting Details

We look forward to working together! It's helpful to have a detailed understanding of your project so our team can have a clear idea on how to approach casting. This should take around 5 -10 minutes to complete. Thank you!

We are a casting service and NOT a talent agency
You are aware we are a one-stop-shop casting service and NOT a talent agency. We work with talent agencies to find you talent.
*non-union is + 20% *union is + 10%
This project is:
Is there an NDA associated with this project?
Please provide all casting specs below: age, ethnicity, gender, total number of talent, etc.
  • {name}
How many shoot days will there be?
Fitting Session
Please provide all details you can on the fitting session. What is the pay? Is it a separate day from the shoot? Were you thinking of a virtual session? Write N/A if non-applicable
  • {name}
Hair and Makeup
Food and meals on set
  • Food will be provided, one option for everyone
  • Food will be provided, possible to accomodate special diets
  • No food will be provided
What are the audition instructions for talent?
  • {name}
Self Tape Format
Which video format do you prefer? (We typically do unlisted, streaming for ease of use/sharability)
We organize and conduct call backs over Zoom. Would you like this service?
If available, please upload the scripts or sides here.
Attach file
Drop files here
Is there a script for talent?
Creative Moodboard
If available, attach any visuals that will help us get a sense of the type of person(s) you are looking for.
Attach file
Drop files here
Is exclusivity a condition for talent on this project?
Do conflicts apply for this job? ie: You are casting a beverage commercial, and the actor you want has worked in a competing beverage commercial.
For talent, do you have a strongly defined look or aesthetic you are going for? And/or do you have specific actors in mind that you'd like to see audition?
Talent Release Form
It's very helpful to have the talent release form with the usage included up front, so we can avoid any last minute issues in regards to talent bookings.
Attach file
Drop files here
For out-of-town talent, can you provide travel coverage?
Any other notes, or things we should know about this project?
  • {name}

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