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eLearning Submission Form

Thank you for your interest in presenting an online learning opportunity to ALSC members and others in the children's library service field. Online courses and webinars are key venues for sharing research, best practices, new developments and exciting initiatives in the children's literature and librarianship field. Online learning submissions are reviewed by the ALSC Education Committee for timeliness, relevance to the field and profession, alignment with ALSC's mission, values and strategic plan, and quality. Webinar presenters do receive a small honorarium for their time; with few exceptions, ALSC charges a registration fee for all courses and webinars. PLEASE NOTE: If you are an ALSC Committee member submitting a webinar proposal on behalf of your committee, please use this form:

Title should be short, but descriptive and engaging. If possible, avoid punctuation (e.g. colons or dashes)
My Proposal is for:
Proposal Description
Limit 250 words
  • {name}
Learning Outcomes
Please provide 2-4 action-based learning outcomes framed in terms of what students will be able to do after participating in the course or webinar. Please list outcomes in clear, specific, and measurable ways. Starting with a verb is always a good rule of thumb. For examples of learning objectives, please see Boston's College's Course Design Resource:
  • {name}
Length of Course
Please select one or two of the most relevant topics for the proposed course or webinar, which will help wit visibility in ALA Learning. One topic is required; do not select more than two.
  • Administration & Leadership
  • Advocacy
  • Archives & Records Management
  • Cataloguing
  • Collection Management
  • Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
  • Information Literacy & Library Instruction
  • Intellectual Freedom & Copyright
  • Marketing & Outreach
  • Programs & Services
  • Reference
  • Technology
Core Competencies for Librarians Serving Children in Libraries
Please indicate 3-5 of the ALSC Competencies for Librarians Serving Children and Families in Libraries that your proposal meets. All ALSC programming should support individuals in developing their skills in these foundational elements of librarianship. Please see for a complete list of and further information the ALSC Competencies.
  • {name}
EDI in ALSC Continuing Education Initiatives
ALSC is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). As part of that commitment, all ALSC initiatives, including eLearning offerings, must consider how the work or presentation is engaging with and taking seriously the promotion of EDI with the field of library service to children. This includes, but is not limited to, using diverse books in examples of programming, awareness of the diversity of patrons experiencing programs and outreach, and concerns for underrepresented professionals in the field pertaining to their career growth and success. Please briefly describe how your course or webinar acknowledges, engages with, and promotes equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • {name}
Target Audience
Please indicate if the primary contact is also an instructor or presenter.
  • {name}
Is the Primary Contact an Instructor / Presenter?
Agreement with ALA's Privacy Policy

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