eLearning Submission Form
Thank you for your interest in presenting an online learning opportunity to ALSC members and others in the children's library service field. Online courses and webinars are key venues for sharing research, best practices, new developments and exciting initiatives in the children's literature and librarianship field. Online learning submissions are reviewed by the ALSC Education Committee for timeliness, relevance to the field and profession, alignment with ALSC's mission, values and strategic plan, and quality. Webinar presenters do receive a small honorarium for their time; with few exceptions, ALSC charges a registration fee for all courses and webinars. PLEASE NOTE: If you are an ALSC Committee member submitting a webinar proposal on behalf of your committee, please use this form: https://airtable.com/appQrjHVAh9WkyyfL/shrQxLJFec0lOXacq