Sign Up to Foster!
Must be 18 Years of Age or Older
First and Last
May we contact? *
- Yes
- No
Are all current pets up to date on vaccinations? *
- Yes
- No
- N/A - no pets in home
How did you find out about Grateful Goldens? *
- Internet
- Newspaper Ad
- Flyer posted at local pet supply store
- Groomer/Trainer
- Family/Friend
- Vet's Office
- Word of Mouth
- Other
Briefly share your interest/reasons for wanting to volunteer with Grateful Goldens Rescue? *
- {name}
Do you currently have animals? *
- Yes
- No
Do you *
- Own
- Rent
Which do you live in? *
- Apartment
- House
- Condo
- Townhouse
Are you willing to supervise any children around your foster dog at all times? *
- Yes
- No
Have you fostered dogs before? *
- Yes
- No
Do you have a crate? *
- Yes
- No
Please describe any experience you have had introducing a new dog into your household? *
- {name}
Please describe your level of experience as a dog owner, and provide an honest assessment of your abilities to deal with any problem behaviors a foster dog might exhibit *
i.e. barking, digging, growling, chewing, food possessiveness, jumping, lack of house training etc.
- {name}
Please describe the type of foster dog you are willing to have in your home *
i.e. seniors, puppy, special needs, heartworm positive, medical conditions, recuperating from surgery etc.
- {name}
Type your name as your digital signature
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