Flower Power: Flora of Alberta
This is a call for completed designs with the theme of Alberta Flowers! 10 posters will be selected and curated by members of Burnt Toast Studio in partnership with The Artist Lounge. Specs & Requirements: • 3-colour print for silkscreen on white paper (if you are printmaker upon selection you are welcome to come and print your own with as many colours as you like). • Size: 11"x15". No full bleeds or full colour backgrounds. • BTS will mix all colours, as close as possible. • Add trapping at ~2px stroke for any edge to edge lines. • If using photographs bitmap required please inquire for specs. • Designs to be in portrait orientation. • Please include your signature in the design • Design files to submit: Photoshop file with separate colour layers AND a jpeg sample of the completed design. Selected designs will have a limited print edition of 30. Each selected artist will receive: - An honorarium of $75 - A printed poster of their own - A 50% off a print 101 class or drop in time. Proceeds from the go back into the studio to continue future poster shows and community events. Submission due MARCH 29th 2025. Flower Power Exhibition on May 3rd 2025. If you have any questions, feel free to hit us up at: postershow@burnttoaststudio.com. If you or someone you know would like to submit a hard copy, or need assistance applying as we do not have a screen reader or would like to simply discuss more feel free to contact us.