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2025 Ness Creek First Time Volunteer Application Form

Thanks for your interest in volunteering with Ness Creek. Please fill in this form so that we can get to know a bit about you and hopefully find the perfect spot for you on the volunteer team!

What is your age category?
First Time Volunteer Requirements
We require our first time volunteers to pay a deposit of $200 (which is returned to you on or before August 1st once we have confirmed that all your shift commitments were met). We are able to make exceptions for people who have someone well known to the festival vouch for them. Please indicate if you are willing to pay the deposit or if you have someone who can vouch for you.
If you have someone willing to vouch for you (they must be known to the festival staff), please include their full name and email address here so that we can get in touch with them.
Do you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct?
As a volunteer of the Ness Creek Community I promise to “maintain the magic”. I will Adhere to a culture of consent. Take Pride in what I do. Respect myself, others and the earth. Take Ownership of my actions. Embrace our Multicultural , multigenerational and diverse community. Create an Inclusive and safe environment. Support equitable practices. Protect the Ecology of the boreal forest.
Please indicate three crews that you are interested in working on
Of the three crews you just selected, please let us know what your first choice is
Do you have any type of first aid training or are you a healthcare professional or student?
Please explain
  • {name}
Are you willing to work an overnight shift?
please note that overnight shifts on our campground host crews typically result in a few less volunteer hours being required.
please give us the name and phone number of your emergency contact person, preferably someone who will not also be at the festival with you.
Any additional notes you'd like to include with your application?
Do you have friends you'd like to work with? Any particular requests you'd like to include? Anything else you think we should know? We cannot guarantee that we will be able to fulfill every request, but we will most certainly try.
  • {name}

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