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JC Barista and WCC Calibration Barista Application Form

Thank you for your interest for the roles of JC Barista and WCC Calibration Barista. These roles support the WCC Judge Certification and WCC Judge Calibrations through demonstration WCC routines, and other exercises, required in advance by the Judge Operation Leads in front of different teams of WCC Judges. The objective is to provide the judges with a realistic WCC routine in preparation for judging baristas on the world stage. Baristas can choose to do both JC and WCC events in the same city if they wish. Requirements: * A full and practiced competition routine for 1 or more of the following competitions (WBrC, WCIGS, WLAC & CIC). * Does not have any conflict with current competitors, and are not a current CB champion. Please note: WCC judge Calibration baristas are not permitted to compete in CB events in the same competition year as the calibration (this does not apply to JC baristas). Dates & Locations: JC Malaysia - 18th-19th March JC Jakarta - 10th-11th May WBrC Jakarta - 13th-14th May WCC Geneva (WCIGS/WLAC/CIC) - 24th-25th June Benefits: * $100 (USD) per working day on site * Hotel for the dates stated above * Full show pass * Lunch on the calibration days * Feedback from WCC Certified Judges after calibration is completed We will have a basic station set up with equipment and tools per competition (espresso machine, hot water tower, grinder, ice, knock boxes, tamper, whole milk, alternative milks, cups, etc.). You will need to provide glassware, ingredients, and coffee! If you need any help with these items, we can see how best we can support. If you have any questions, please email us at Applications close on February 28th Once all applications have been reviewed, we will be in touch.

Which country are you currently based in?
Please select the events you would like to be considered for:
  • WBrC Jakarta
  • WCC Geneva (WCIGS, CIC, WLAC)
  • Judge Certification Jakarta
  • Judge Certification Malaysia
I have a competition routine for the following competition(s):
Please select all that apply.
  • WBC
  • WBrC
  • Ibrik
  • WLAC
Have you been a calibration barista/ competed before?
Have you been a calibration barista at a Competition Body and/or World Coffee Championship event? Have you competed at a CB or WCC event?
If you have any links to your performances from past competitions, please feel free to share them.
  • {name}
Are you supporting any current WCC competitor?
This questions only relates to WCC Barista, not JC Baristas.
Anything else you wish to add to your application?
If you can only make one of the required dates, or any other information that may be beneficial for us to know? please state this here:
  • {name}
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
  • {name}
I consent to receive communications and have my personal information retained and used in connection with participation in this or related to this role, request, and/or related event(s), including having information display publicly in certain necessary cases, by both World Coffee Events and its event partners, in line with the WCE Privacy Policy. This consent is necessary to enable your participation.

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