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Spring 2025 Hokie for a Day Experience Proposal

Tell us about the experience you propose to share with fifth graders who participate in Hokie for a Day. Expos should take you about an hour plus any setup and breakdown time. Expos will happen on most Wednesdays in the semester. Unless directed elsewhere, plan to arrive between 9:30 and 10:00 at the Moss Arts Center, Balcony Lobby (third floor). Expos begin at around 10:45. You'll be at your table working with kids until 11:45. Your table is one of five or six at the expo. Small groups of 10 to 12 fifth graders will rotate through your station in five or six 6-minute time slots. Following the scheduled rotations, learners will have a few minutes to return to any table they choose. When the children leave, your commitment is complete. Help us show these fifth graders what college is all about. Thank you for your help!

This experience name should be * 75 characters or less, including spaces, * Exciting, and * Informative.
This address will receive all correspondence about this experience.
Logistical Considerations
My experience... (check all that apply)
  • Requires power at the site
  • Requires power nearby for recharging
  • Has live animals
  • Needs special lighting
  • Is noisy - loud and/or repetitive
  • Has bright lights or flashing lights
  • Has surprising sounds or visuals
  • Needs quiet
  • Needs access to water
  • Is messy
  • Includes flammable materials
  • Has open flames
  • Could use a trigger warning
  • Includes something for the kids to take with them
  • Needs a specific location (i.e., a lab tour)
  • Needs to be indoors
  • 20241004_113944.jpg (
About your Experience (for the event organizers)
What happens at your experience? Tell us about the objective and what people will do. If you have special logistical needs, please tell us about them here.
  • {name}
What happens here (for the learners)
In 500 characters or less, describe what learners will see and do. This info will be shared with chaperones and will help learners know what to expect.
  • {name}
The organization name will be shared with the chaperones. It should be 75 characters or less, including spaces. Do not use acronyms.
Many science festival exhibits are collaborations between two organizations. A second organization can be listed.
Evaluation Services Requested?
CENI can evaluate your experience and provide you a report on those observations.
Is this exhibit part of a grant-funded project?
If so, check the box
CENI provides evaluation services for many grant-funded projects, and this helps us keep track.
Add an image that represents your exhibit. This will be shared with field trip chaperones.
Attach file
Drop files here
Available Dates
All expos are 10:45-11:45 on Wednesdays. Most exhibits do just one field trip, but it's helpful for us to know if you have flexibility. We'll reach out to you to confirm your date.
Anything else you'd like to tell us? Include any notes about your setup or availability.

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