Equity Arc National Collective for Musical Pathways Interest Form
Please use this form to apply for Equity Arc's National Collective for Musical Pathways. Please contact us at info@equityarc.org with any questions. Please note that maintaining Equity Arc membership is a requirement for members of the Collective. Additional program expectations include participation in working groups, annual census, and additional data collection, as well as fellow/staff participation in the National Pathways Festival.
Please tell us about the structure of your program *
- Independent Program
- Program within a Parent Organization
- Other
Please tell us the number of staff in your program, including staff names/titles *
- {name}
What are your program's primary sources of funding? *
- {name}
What are your program's primary operating expenses? *
- {name}
Please use this response to estimate the amount of total tuition/support for each musician in your program
Which of the following activities does your program fund? *
- Collaborative Pianist Support
- College Application Fees
- Complimentary Tickets to Concerts
- Instrument Upkeep Expenses
- Instrument Loans
- Instrument Purchase
- Instrument Transportation
- Music Supplies Stipend
- Private Lesson Tuition
- Recording Support
- Sheet Music Stipend
- Summer Camp Tuition
- Summer Study Application Fees
- Travel Expenses
- Trial Lesson Fees
- Other
What are the components and supports included in your program's structure/curriculum? *
- Academic Support
- Audition Mentoring
- Bilingual Support
- Career Counseling
- Chamber Music
- College Counseling
- Community Engagement Performances
- Family Advisories
- Guest Artist Recitals/Masterclasses
- Juries
- Masterclasses
- Mental Health and Wellness
- Mentoring by Nationally Recognized Musicians
- Music History Lessons
- Orchestra
- Private Lessons
- Recital Reports
- Recitals
- Summer Study Counseling
- Theory Lessons
- Workshops
- Other
Which components/activities are required for musicians in your program? *
- {name}
Are musicians in your program required to commit to majoring in music in college? *
- Yes
- No
- Other
Are there any other requirements or expectations for musicians in your program? *
N/A if nothing additional
- {name}
How do you work with students and families to ensure that program expectations are clear? *
- {name}
How do you work with musicians and their families to review progress and set goals? *
- {name}
How many musicians are currently in your program? *
- {name}
Please tell us a little bit about your recruitment strategies *
- {name}
What are the criteria by which you determine a prospective fellow's eligibility for your program? *
- {name}
How many alumni do you have? *
- {name}
Do you stay connected with your alumni? Please tell us a bit about how you stay or plan to stay connected *
- {name}
How do you review/envision reviewing your policies and programs? *
- {name}
Please tell us about your interest in joining the National Collective for Musical Pathways *
- {name}
What do you hope to get out of membership? *
- {name}
Is your organization currently an Equity Arc member? *
- Yes
- No
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