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Abstract Submission Form

The 50th Annual Professional Nurse Educator's Group (PNEG) 2025 CNE Nursing Conference is now accepting presentation abstracts. We are celebrating 50 years of PNEG!! This conference is providing Joint Accreditation continuing education credits requiring faculty disclosure information included in this form. Review of presentations prior to the conference is also required. It is an expectation for presenters to be live in person. Conference registration is required, and a discount code will be provided. *This form does not save and should be completed in its entirety*

Title of Presentation
  • {name}
Include 10 digit number
Primary Presenter Bio
This will be used for your introduction if selected for a podium presentation.
  • {name}
Do you have a second presenter who will be attending the conference?
Please list the presenters planning to attend the conference in person. Additional authors can be listed on the poster or presentation materials.
Learning Objectives: Minimum requirement is 2.
You can add a bulleted or numbered list by clicking on the black P icon that appears.

Preferred Presentation Method
  • Podium
  • Poster
  • Either
Outline of Presentation (350-word limit)
You can add formatting by clicking on the black P icon that appears. Please describe the following in the outline: -background/significance -intervention(s) -result(s) -implications for nursing education

References - list 2-3 using APA format
You can add a bulleted or numbered list by clicking on the black P icon that appears.

Copyright Material
The primary presenter attests there are no copyright figures, images, or content submitted as part of the final presentation.
Agreement and Submission
-If selected I understand this presentation will be recorded and available as an enduring education offering. -I agree to pay the registration fee and plan to attend this conference live in person.
Disclosure of Financial Relationship - with respect to this CE activity
Disclose all financial relationship(s) regardless of relevance to the content of the activity. Include those that you have or have had within the past 24 months. List the entities producing, marketing, selling or reselling, or distributing healthcare products, used by or on patients.
Disclosure of Off-Label Use and/or Investigational Uses
If, at any time, during my education activity, I discuss an off-label/investigative (unapproved) use of a commercial product/device, I understand that I must provide disclosure of that intent.

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