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2024 IPFS Camp Scholar Nomination Form

Thank you for your interest in nominating an individual (or yourself) to attend IPFS Camp as a Scholar! This program is designed to provide opportunities for individuals from underrepresented communities, unique circumstances, or developing areas to participate in IPFS Camp. Priority will be given to individuals with a history of prior work contributing to or using IPFS in real-world projects or research, or potential future contributions to the IPFS community. We will select between 8-10 Scholars. Scholars will receive full support for travel to Brussels, Belgium, lodging, a ticket to attend all 3 days of the event, and all onsite meals July 11-13, 2024. We can provide a letter of invitation for visa purposes. Nominations are due by May 31, 2024. Selected scholars will be notified on a rolling basis. For questions, email

First & Last name
Why are you nominating this individual or yourself?
  • {name}
What is their interest and/or experience with IPFS, related projects (libp2p, IPLD, Filecoin, etc.), or the decentralized web?
  • {name}
What tracks, topics, talks, or discussions are a good match for this individual?
If there's a session or talk you think they should lead, please include that too.
  • {name}
Nominee's Profile Links
Github, personal website, blog, online writing, interviews, videos, social media, LinkedIn, etc.
  • {name}
Nominee's Resume
Attach file
Drop files here
Anything else we should know?
  • {name}

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