Abstract Submission for Consideration to Present at 2023 CFAR National Meeting
Please submit your maximum 2500-character abstract by 5:00 p.m. Pacific, Monday, August 14, 2023.
(e.g. Assistant Professor)
Primary Institution *
- Gladstone Institutes
- Vitalant
Are you interested in being considered for an oral presentation? *
- Yes
- No, please just consider me for a poster presentation.
Abstract Topic
(Please select all that apply)
- Aging with HIV across the lifespan
- HIV and Drug User Health
- Co-Morbidities (TB, Hep B, Cancer)
- Cure
- EHE/Implementation Science
- Other HIV-related topic
Abstract Title
- {name}
Abstract Authors
Authors’ names should be typed in upper- and lowercase letters (please do not use all capital letters). Use first name and last name. Indicate the presenting author and include an e-mail address and business phone. There is a limit of 10 authors per abstract.
- {name}
Abstract Affiliations
List institution, city, and state for domestic authors. List institution, city, and country for international authors. Do not include department, division, laboratory, or acknowledgements.
- {name}
Funding Source(s)
List funding source(s) and grant number(s).
- {name}
ABSTRACT TEXT (limited to 350 words)
Abstracts are limited to 2,500 characters, including spaces. A maximum of one table or one figure may be included. Please do not include literature references or copyright or trademark symbols.
A concise statement of the issue under investigation or a hypothesis.
- {name}
The experimental methods used (including the statistical analyses employed).
- {name}
Specific findings (promises such as “to be completed” or “to be presented” are not acceptable).
- {name}
A summary of findings that are supported by your results. (Statistical analyses used to support the conclusions, where appropriate, should be included; concluding statements such as “the results will be discussed” are not acceptable.)
- {name}
Optional Table or Figure Attachment
Either one table or one figure can be included.
Attach file
Drop files here
Please indicate your participation in CFAR activities *
Select as many as are applicable
- CFAR Mentoring Program
- CFAR RAP Awardee
- CFAR Specific Aims Reviews
- Attended past CFAR events (e.g. symposia)
- CFAR Core User
- CFAR Supplement Awardee
- None of the above
Have you received any prior NIH funding? *
Select as many as are applicable
- I've been supported on a T32 or other fellowship (F31, F32, etc.)
- Yes, a K-award
- Yes, a non-R01 research award (e.g. R03, R21)
- Yes, an R01 or equivalent award
- No
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