IPFS Ecosystem Directory Submission
Do you have a project or product to add to the IPFS ecosystem directory? Please submit the details here for the directory team's review.
If you have more than one project or product using IPFS, please fill out this form separately for each.
Leave blank if not applicable.
What's your product/project's official website?
If the project itself doesn't have a website, but your org/company has one, that works too. If you have more than one primary website (i.e. a docs site), list one per line.
- {name}
What's your product/project's public GitHub repo?
Leave blank if this doesn't apply to you. If you have more than one repo relevant to this project, list one per line.
- {name}
Product/project icon (SQUARE) *
Please attach a SQUARE icon (e.g. your GitHub org icon) for your product/project on a transparent background. Vector images (.svg) preferred.
Attach file
Drop files here
Product/project logo *
If you have a logo for your project/project in addition to the square icon, please attach here. Vector images (.svg) on transparent background preferred.
Attach file
Drop files here
Got an embeddable video demo or showcase of your project? Link it here so we can include it.
One or two sentences is perfect.
Please provide a longer description of your product/project *
- {name}
How does your project use IPFS? *
What role does IPFS play in your architecture
- {name}
If you've got any "big numbers" you're proud of, add them here. Think key-value pairs: 129 million users, 99.99999% uptime, 19.5 billion burgers served.
What industry does your product/project primarily serve? *
If more than one option fits, please choose the one you consider primary.
Which focus area(s) are served by your product/project? *
Choose all that apply, and feel free to add others in the comment field at the bottom of this form.
- Community networks
- Developer tools
- Education
- File sharing
- Infrastructure
- Medical data
- Mobile
- Music
- Package managers
- Public data
- Reputation & IP management
- Research data
- Storage & pinning
- Streaming
- Supply chain
- Video
- Web hosting & publishing
What enablers or benefits does IPFS provide to your product or project? *
These are only a few to get you started thinking! Feel free to add others in the comment field at the bottom of this form.
- Corporate & government independence
- Data integrity and verifiability
- Disaster resilience
- Interoperability
- Local-first model
- Self-sovereign data
- Couldn't exist without IPFS
What IPFS tooling does your product/project use? *
"Ecosystem tools" are third-party developer tools like Fleek or Pinata.
If there's an item missing from this list, let us know in the comment field at the bottom of this form!
- js-ipfs
- IPFS Cluster
- Bitswap
- Ecosystem tools
- Filecoin
- Kubo (formerly go-ipfs)
- go-libp2p
- IPFS HTTP gateway
- ipfs-embed
- ipfs-http-client
- Web3.storage
- nft.storage
- js-libp2p
- Pinning services
- py-ipfs-http-client
- rust-libp2p
In what year did your project/product start using IPFS? *
In case we need to reach out with any questions.
In case we need to reach out with any questions. We'll also let you know when your submission is added to the directory.
Anything else you'd like us to know about your product/project's use of IPFS?
- {name}
Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form