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Adoption Application

Which cat are you interested in adopting?
First and Last
Are you 18 years of age or older?
Pet needs to be good with:
  • Children Under 10
  • Children Over 10
  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Other
What is your reason for wanting to adopt a cat?
  • Housepet
  • Companion
  • Gift
  • Mouse Patrol
  • Companion for pet
  • Other
Please list all current pets in the home by name, age, and breed.
  • {name}
If you currently own a dog or cat, how does he/she react to new cats?
  • {name}
Can/Will you provide your cat with monthly flea/tick prevention?
Where will your cat spend most of his/her time?
  • Indoors Only
  • Outdoors Only
  • Indoors and Outdoors
  • Barn Cat
  • Basement/Garage
  • Confined
By submitting this application, you agree to the following: I understand by adopting a cat that all costs incurred, including medical, are my responsibility
I understand that all adopters must be over the age of 18 years old
I agree not to declaw the cat I have chosen to adopt
I agree that the cat I have chosen to adopt will not be an exclusively outside cat
I understand if I choose to return the cat I have chosen to adopt anytime, the adoption fee will not be returned and will be considered a donation
I agree that if something happens and I am no longer able to care for the cat I have chosen to adopt, the cat can be returned to Cattyshack Rescue
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions in the link below:

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