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The Fuzzy Open - Expression of Interest!

Please add your details so you can learn more about the Open, enter the Challenge, get info for talks, win stuff, and get connected to a community of people who are also interested in making a difference to the world we live in. More soon! Choose the tracks you are interested in and share some details about you.

Which Fuzzy tracks are you interested in?
If both are of interest please tick both boxes
  • Track 1: Fuzzy Open Challenge
  • Track 2: Fuzzy Open Talks
What industry or sector are you in?
Pick the fields most appropriate to you. You can choose more than one.
Your occupation or role
Pick the fields most appropriate to you. You can choose more than one.
Data sharing -------------
By submitting your Expression of Interest form, you agree to Fuzzy's Terms and Conditions and Privacy policies

    Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form