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Thank you for your interest in being featured in our Farmer Directory!

Please fill out the following questions. Only the information you provide will be used in your profile. Leave any question blank if you do not want the information displayed publicly. The information you provide will also be used on FARRMS social media platforms to highlight diverse agriculture enterprises across North Dakota. A FARRMS staff member will reach out every spring to make sure your information is accurate and up to date.

Can we list your farm on FARRMS Farmer Directory?
Can we use your farm information on FARRMS social media?
You can include up to four images. A high quality jpeg or png is preferred. Images can be uploaded here or emailed to:
Attach file
Drop files here
Farm Biography
Tell us about your farm. Who is involved, why/when did you start, what are some of your growing practices, history of farm, etc.

Products Available
What do you sell? For example: vegetables, lamb, flowers, goat milk skincare, etc.

Where do you market your products?
For example: farmers markets, CSA, website, farm to school, businesses that carry your products, etc.
  • {name}
Physical address for farm.
Please provide the link to your ND Local Foods Directory Map listing. If your local foods business is not registered, we encourage you to do so. You can register here:
Please provide the link to your USDA Food Directories profile if you have one. You can register here:
Are you Certified Organic?
Any comments or additional information?
  • {name}

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