If a specific data provider you're looking for isn't listed, we'd appreciate your recommendation. Please use the adjacent link to suggest an addition and we'll do our best to include them!
The ASTER GDEM is a high-resolution elevation dataset derived from satellite-based stereo imagery. The dataset covers the entire land surface between 83°N and 83°S, providing global coverage.
The data is produced by stereo-correlating ASTER Level 1A data, and is then validated using ground control points derived from other higher precision elevation datasets.
Key Features:
Mapbox's 2D basemap is a customizable and versatile map layer designed to serve as the foundational layer for various mapping applications. Built from a combination of open and proprietary data sources, including OpenStreetMap, it provides detailed and accurate representation of streets, landmarks, points of interest, and geographic features.
2D Basemap Key Features:
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project that creates a free and editable map of the world, made entirely by volunteers surveying with GPS, digitizing aerial imagery, and collecting and using existing data.
Key Features:
EU-DEM represents a digital surface model (DSM) of the European continent. It has been derived from a fusion of data from the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) and ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) GDEM datasets. It captures the earth's surface features, including vegetation, buildings, and other infrastructures, providing a representation of the ground as it appears from above.
Key Features:
Nasjonal detaljert høydemodell (NDH).
Prosjektet pågår fra 2016 til 2022 og samler inn svært detaljerte høydedata for hele Norge. I alt 230.000 km² laserskannes fra fly.
Prosjektet ledes av Kartverket og er et spleiselag mellom Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet og sju andre departementer.
FKB-Bygning inneholder detaljert bygningsinformasjon. Dataene omfatter beskrivelse av alle typer bygninger, takoverbygg, beskrivende bygningslinjer (for eksempel mønelinje) samt bygningsvedheng (for eksempel veranda).
Matrikkelen er Norges offisielle eiendomsregister. Registeret inneholder informasjon om eiendomsgrenser, areal, bygninger, boliger og adresser.
Current coverage only includes Oslo, Norway
Plan- og bygningsetaten er Oslo kommune sin fagetat innen byutvikling, kart- og geodata, plan- og byggesak og arkitektur
Geographical information of the Swiss Confederation within the Federal Administration.
Switzerland swissALTI3D 50cm data from SwissTopo.
Data is powered by ESRI
Byggnad Direkt innehåller information från fastighetsregistret om byggnader som används för olika ändamål som till exempel bostad, industri och kulturella ändamål.
Information om alla fastigheter i Sverige. Informationen används ofta yrkesmässigt inom olika verksamheter, bland annat vid kreditgivning och fastighetsförsäljning.
Laserdata Nedladdning, NH utgörs av ett punktmoln med klassificerade punkter baserad på laserdata insamlade åren 2009-2019 med en punkttäthet av 0,5-1 punkter per kvadratmeter, ner till 0,25 punkter per kvadratmeter i kalfjällsområden. Tidigare hette produkten Laserdata NH.
The High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM) product is derived from airborne LiDAR data (mainly in the south) and satellite images in the north. The complete coverage of the Canadian territory is gradually being established. For DTM datasets, derived data available are slope, aspect, shaded relief, color relief and color shaded relief maps and for DSM datasets, derived data available are shaded relief, color relief and color shaded relief maps.
They are offered at a 1 m or 2 m resolution and projected to the UTM NAD83 (CSRS) coordinate system and the corresponding zones. The datasets at a 1 m resolution cover an area of 10 km x 10 km while datasets at a 2 m resolution cover an area of 20 km by 20 km. In the northern part of the country (north of the productive forest line), due to the low density of vegetation and infrastructure, only DSM datasets are generally generated. Most of these datasets have optical digital images as their source data. They are generated at a 2 m resolution using the Polar Stereographic North coordinate system referenced to WGS84 horizontal datum or UTM NAD83 (CSRS) coordinate system. Each dataset covers an area of 50 km by 50 km. For some locations in the north, DSM and DTM datasets can also be generated from airborne LiDAR data. In this case, these products will be generated with the same specifications as those generated from airborne LiDAR in the southern part of the country.
The product High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM) is part of the CanElevation Series created in support to the National Elevation Data Strategy implemented by NRCan. Collaboration is a key factor to the success of the National Elevation Data Strategy.
Licensing information: https://open.canada.ca/en/open-government-licence-canada
The distribution format for the 3D building models is the CityGML format in accordance with the AdV-CityGML1 profile. The CityGML LoD example instances are obtained from the annex to the “Product standard for 3D building models”
De Basisregistratie Kadaster (BRK) bestaat uit de kadastrale registratie en de kadastrale kaart
Het Nationaal Georegister is DE vindplaats van geo-informatie van Nederland. Met de eenvoudige zoekopties en presentatie van resultaten kunnen de datasets in de kaartviewer worden bekeken of worden gedownload.
The Dutch national register of addresses and buildings (Basisregistraties Adressen en Gebouwen (BAG)) models the current state of all buildings and living units in the Netherlands. It is an openly accessible data set in which buildings are represented by their footprints, and it is widely used both by the government and the private sector.
DAR er det officielle register over alle adresser i Danmark. Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Infrastruktur er ansvarlig for selve it-systemet og distribution af registrets data. Det er kommunerne, som administrerer adresserne, herunder opretter, ændrer og nedlægger vejnavne og adresser i DAR. Kommunerne sørger altså for at holde alle Danmarks adresser ajour ét sted.
En digital model af terrænets højde i forhold til det gennemsnitlige havniveau. Alle objekter over terræn, såsom træer, huse, biler m.m. er fjernet. Modellen er egnet til planlægning, projektering og landskabsanalyser. En del af Danmarks Højdemodel (DHM).
GeoDanmark er rammen for et samarbejde mellem alle landets kommuner og Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Infrastruktur (SDFI) om etablering og vedligehold af et præcist, aktuelt, homogent og landsdækkende fællesoffentligt geografisk administrationsgrundlag.
Yli 200-vuotias Maanmittauslaitos tekee erilaisia maanmittaustoimituksia, esimerkiksi lohkomisia ja tilusjärjestelyjä sekä tuottaa kartta-aineistoja ja edistää niiden käyttöä.
Yli 200-vuotias Maanmittauslaitos tekee erilaisia maanmittaustoimituksia, esimerkiksi lohkomisia ja tilusjärjestelyjä sekä tuottaa kartta-aineistoja ja edistää niiden käyttöä.
Le cadastre est un ensemble de plans et fichiers administratifs qui recensent toutes les propriétés immobilières situées dans chaque commune française, et qui en consigne la valeur afin de servir de base de calcul à certains impôts.
The meshed digital terrain model (DTM) which describes the relief of the French territory on a large scale.
This data is licensed by IGN under a Licence Ouverte / Open Licence
L’Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) est un établissement public à caractère administratif placé sous la tutelle des ministères chargés de l’écologie et de la forêt. Sa vocation est de produire et diffuser des données (open data) et des représentations (cartes en ligne et papier, géovisualisation) de référence relatives à la connaissance du territoire national et des forêts françaises ainsi qu'à leur évolution.
Les missions principales de l'administration du cadastre et de la topographie (ACT) peuvent être divisées en trois grands volets. la création, la gestion, la mise à jour et la diffusion des documentations foncières et cartographiques officielles au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
LiDAR 2019 - Relevé 3D du territoire luxembourgeois
Les données sous rubrique sont issues d'un levé aérien tridimensionnel basé sur la technologie LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). Le survol a été réalisé en février 2019 avec une densité de 15 points par mètre carré et une précision horizontale de +/- 3 cm et verticale de +/- 6 cm. La densité (15 points/m2) indique les impulsions envoyées au départ du système. La densité mesurée peut être plus élevé, ceci étant dépendant du type de la surface scannée (réflexion unique/réflexion multiple).
The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering areas of England at 50cm spatial resolution. Produced by the Environment Agency in 2017, this dataset is derived from a combination of our full time stamped archive, which has been merged and re-sampled to give the best possible coverage. Where repeat surveys have been undertaken the newest, best resolution data is used. The composite is updated on an annual basis to include the latest surveys.
Open City Model is an initiative to provide open cityGML data for all the buildings in the United States.
Regrid is the a provider of land parcels and location context data for maps, apps and spatial analysis.
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is a scientific agency of the United States government
Polish Geographic portal provides 1M Resolution Digital terrain model
Open Street Map is a free, open geographic database updated and maintained by a community of volunteers via open collaboration. Contributors collect data from surveys, trace from aerial imagery and also import from other freely licensed geodata sources.
Instituto Geográfico Nacional is Spanish Government agency for Geospatial data providing 5M resolution digital terrain model
The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 5 Metre Grid of Australia derived from LiDAR model represents a National 5 metre (bare earth) DEM which has been derived from some 236 individual LiDAR surveys between 2001 and 2015 covering an area in excess of 245,000 square kilometres. These surveys cover Australia's populated coastal zone; floodplain surveys within the Murray Darling Basin, and individual surveys of major and minor population centres
Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen provides 1m resolution Digital terrain model.
Data is powered by ESRI
NACIONALINĖ ŽEMĖS TARNYBA provides 1m resolution Digital Terrain Model
Data is powered by ESRI
Estonian Land Board produces 1m resolution Digital Terrain Model.
Data is powered by ESRI
Latvian Geospatial Information Agency provides 1m resolution Digital Terrain Model
Data is powered by ESRI
Land Information New Zealand (Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0) provides 1m resolution Digital Terrain Model.
Data is powered by ESRI
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan provides 6m-13m resolution Digital Terrain Model.
Data is powered by ESRI
Common Spatial Data Infrastructure Portal provides 0.5m resolution Digital Terrain Model
Data is powered by ESRI