2024 Young Playwrights Festival - Application Form
Thank you for your interest in Young Playwrights Festival at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center! YPF will be held May 17-19, 2024. Please read the following guidelines closely before beginning your application: 1. You are between the ages of 12-18 and currently enrolled in middle or high school. 2. Your current place of residence is in the US. 3. Your parent or guardian has given you permission to submit your play, and they have seen and consent to the O'Neill's Covid-19 policy described below and on our website at theoneill.org/ypf. 4. Your play is between 10-15 pages. This page limit does not include the title page and character descriptions. 5. You are the only writer of this play. Joint submissions will not be considered. 6. You have included your name and the title of your play on the front page of the script. 7. You have included a listing of character names and descriptions. 8. Every page of your script has been numbered. 9. You are only submitting one play for consideration. More information about YPF can be found on the O'Neill's website: https://www.theoneill.org/ypf. The Young Playwrights Festival will be held in-person at the O'Neill's campus in Waterford, CT this spring. Please note the O'Neill does not arrange travel or accommodation for any selected playwrights and chaperones joining us from a distance. ***2024 O'NEILL COVID-19 POLICY*** All YPF participants will be required to test negative for COVID-19 on a PCR or rapid antigen test within 24 hours prior to their arrival at the O'Neill. In addition to this initial negative test, participants must either receive and provide proof of the most current FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccination (with a small number of exceptions, every American 6 months and older is eligible to receive these vaccines safely) or if not vaccinated, pay a $100 fee and test for COVID-19 daily while on campus participating in the program.