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Seussical Audition Form

Please fill out this form by November 13 @ Noon, regardless of your audition time. You will only need to prepare a 1 minute song and no monologue for auditions. AUDITION LOCATION: Goodwood Community Church (7125 Goodwood Avenue, BR) AUDITION DATES: November 14-15, 2024 DANCE CALL & CALLBACKS: November 16th. Dance Call starts @ 8:30am PRODUCTION FAIR (If cast): November 17th @ Bethany South Campus Seussical Performance Dates: February 13-15, 2025

Example: Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid. (No worship music please)
Accompaniment Track
Please upload an MP3 file, cut to the 60 seconds you will sing, OR sheet music if you will provide your own accompanist.
Attach file
Drop files here
Current Headshot
Attach file
Drop files here
Please list any special talents you have (example: backflip, tap dance, ventriloquy, etc.)
Have you been in a CYT show before?
Have you performed in any non-CYT musicals?
Will you need assistance with reading aloud if called back?
Are you a graduating Senior this year?
Please indicate child or adult size (ex: Adult Small)
Please indicate child or adult size (ex: Adult Small)
Will you accept any role?
I understand that if I am cast, I have until the Production Fair to decline the role *
This section is to be filled out by a PARENT/GUARDIAN ONLY. Students, STOP HERE - do NOT fill out the following information for your parent/guardian. Check here to continue:
Tech/Performance dates are NOT accepted as an approved conflict.
Tech/Performance dates are NOT accepted as an approved conflict.
Please indicate if you have NO conflicts
Refer to the Calendar-At-A-Glance on our website:
I understand that one adult from my family will be required to attend 2 parent meetings, volunteer 20+ hours as part of a parent team (per family commitment, NOT per child) and volunteer for 3 shifts during tech/production week. *
I understand that if my child is cast in the show, I will be responsible to make sure he/she attends every performance and every rehearsal for which he/she is scheduled. *
In case of my student's illness, I will notify the Show Coordinator or Stage Manager in advance of any rehearsals he/she will miss. *
In order to ensure the quality of rehearsals and the production, I understand that more than 2 absences may result in dismissal from the show.
I understand that my child will turn in their cell phone and apple watch at rehearsals and at the theater.
I also understand that if I need to contact my child during these times, I can contact the Show Coordinator or the Stage Manager.
I understand that I am responsible for purchasing a few personal items for my student as needed.
(Example: shoes, tights, make-up, actor's box, etc.)
I understand that students who audition are NOT eligible for a class tuition refund. *
Your typed name below will serve as your signature of agreement
I understand that if payment/payment plan is not made by Production Fair, my student's role will be immediately re-cast. *

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