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Apply for Media SAVVY for Pacific researchers

Kia ora, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia orana, Bula vinaka, Fakatalofa atu, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Halo oloketa, la Orana, Mauri, Aloha, Malo ni, Hafa adai and warm Pacific greetings. This expression of interest form is for an upcoming Media SAVVY workshop for Pacific researchers, facilitated by the Science Media Centre and hosted by Fofonga for Pacific Research Excellence. Entry is open to Pacific researchers in any field who are currently active and based in Aotearoa New Zealand. Applicants should ideally be: - Motivated to strengthen their media skills and confidence levels - Able to identify a research project or area of expertise of potential interest to media - Experienced with media or likely to encounter media interest in future All workshop fees have been waived, thanks to support from the Science Media SAVVY programme and Fofonga for Pacific Research Excellence. Closing date for January workshop: Friday 10 Nov 2024 If you encounter difficulties using this form, or if you have questions, please contact

Workshop session
Please include island / village connections where applicable
  • {name}
Language(s) spoken
  • {name}
Research field
Please provide a brief summary of your research area and focus (100 words or less).
  • {name}
Overview of project/expertise
Please provide a brief overview (100 words or less) of the research project you’re working on -- or topical area of expertise -- that you think may be of interest to media . If you're not sure, it's fine to share a few ideas. You will continue to develop this over the course of the workshop.
  • {name}
Public outreach
What kind of public outreach are you involved in?
  • {name}
Media experience
What is your level of prior media experience? (Check all that apply).
  • None at all
  • I've given an interview or two
  • My research has attracted headlines
  • Have experienced a media 'frenzy' firsthand
  • Sporadic contact with media
  • Fairly frequent media exposure
  • Regular contributor to a column/broadcast slot
  • Other
Media type
What types of media have you appeared in or contributed to? (Check all that apply).
  • Community/local
  • National (in NZ)
  • International
  • Pacific media (English)
  • Pacific media (Pacific language)
  • TV
  • Radio
  • Print
  • Online
  • Live interview
  • News/current affairs
  • Call-in/Talk-back/Live chat
  • Documentary or series
  • Opinion columns
  • Blog
  • Social media
  • Other
Motivation for place on course
Why are you interested in a place on this media training workshop? What do you hope to gain from it, and how might you plan to apply the skills you acquire?
  • {name}
Privacy Statement
We collect information, including your name and contact details, to facilitate your participation in Science Media Centre activities, and to help fulfil our wider purpose of connecting media with researchers who have relevant expertise. If you complete a workshop with us, we may share this information - where appropriate - with SMC-registered journalists and media professionals who contact the SMC. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, to update permissions, or to ask for it to be corrected. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, please contact us at Please tick the box to acknowledge you have read and understood this statement.

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