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Science Media SAVVY Express signup

Science Media SAVVY Express offers one-on-one, 15 minute training sessions for scientists and researchers to practice speaking about their work on-camera, with helpful advice and feedback from experienced media professionals. Participants will learn practical tips for communicating their work to a wider audience and -- as an added bonus -- can receive a copy of their video clip that they are free to reuse as they choose. Sessions will take place during pre-assigned time slots based on preferences indicated on the sign up form. Register below to express your interest in participating. Entry is by selection. Participation is open to all New Zealand-based researchers attending the event, and is free of charge. Places are limited, with priority given to those likely to encounter media interest in their research topic or area of expertise. Contact the Science Media Centre for more information: or 027 3333 000

Which conference are you attending?
Research area
Please provide a brief plain-language description of your research area and focus (<100 words)
  • {name}
Please provide a mobile phone number so we can reach you during the conference.
Scheduling preferences
Each session will run for 15 minutes, with sessions scheduled on the date indicated next to the conference name above. Please indicate your scheduling preferences by selecting all of the time blocks below when you will be available. We will do our best to match you with a suitable time slot within the window(s) you've selected. Use the special requests field below to let us know if there are specific conference sessions you can/cannot miss. Please note that early and late sessions are very rarely available, so please ensure you include additional options as well. NOTE for MAI conference, only times after Lunch are available.
  • Anytime / no preference
  • First session until morning tea
  • Between morning tea and lunch
  • Between lunch and afternoon tea
  • Between afternoon tea and last session
  • *Early - before conference begins
  • *Late - after conference finishes
Special requests / anything to tell us?
Let us know if there are specific conference sessions you can/cannot miss.
  • {name}
Media experience
(You can select multiple options)
  • None at all
  • I've given an interview or two
  • Sporadic contact with media
  • Fairly frequent media exposure
  • My research has attracted headlines
  • Have experience a media 'frenzy' firsthand
  • Regular contributor to a column / broadcast slot
  • Produce my own videos / other multimedia content
  • I welcome interview requests, accept if I can
  • I dislike getting interview requests, usually say "no"
  • Using accessible language to describe my work is a challenge
  • Cameras make me nervous
  • I'm usually satisfied with the results after a media interview
  • I'm usually dissatisfied with the results after a media interview
  • No prior media training
  • Recent media training (within past 2 years)
  • Media training (more than 2 years ago)
  • Other (explain below)
Privacy statement
We collect information, including your name and contact details, to facilitate your participation in Science Media Centre activities, and to help fulfil our wider purpose of connecting media with researchers who have relevant expertise. If you complete a workshop with us, we may share this information - where appropriate - with SMC-registered journalists and media professionals who contact the SMC. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, to update permissions, or to ask for it to be corrected. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, please contact us at Please tick the box to acknowledge you have read and understood this statement.

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